[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (2024)

We are presenting The Fastest map-farming build in Path of Exile - the Kinetic Blast/Barrage Pathfinder/Ranger Build

Updated for Patch 3.6

The Best Crafty Guides by Odealo

Estimated budget: medium
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (1)

Guide notes
March 26, 2019
-Updated for Patch 3.6

Kinetic Blast Pathfinder is one ofthe fastest builds in the game, clearing whole screens with Kinetic Blast and Herald of Ice Explosions. Barrage scales very well with additional projectiles, so investinginto Dying Sun will help you melt bosses within seconds. It's those expensive end-game Flasks that make Pathfinder the best choice here. If you are looking for a more budget-friendly approach, you should focus on Deadeye's Ascendancy. On top of that very high Evasion Rating with Queen of the Forest and Pathfinder's Ascendancy which increases Flask effectiveness allows you to reach almost 200% more Movement Speed.

You can also check our other Path of Exile builds atOdealo's Crafty Guides - Full List

1. Gameplay

Kinetic Blast Pathfinder is a straightforward build to play. You attack with Kinetic Blast to killpacks of monsters and use Dying Sun Flask for more Barrage projectiles while fighting Bosses. This build doesn’t utilize any Movement skill, because Movement Speed from Flasks and theQueen of the Forest unique Body Armour is more than enough to escape danger and clear maps efficiently.

[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (2)

0:06 Tier 13 Laboratory
0:28 Tier 11 Mesa
0:57 Tier 13 Caldera
1:21 Tier 15 Carcass

This video was recorded on a level 89 Pathfinder with Rat's Nest (no Helmet enchantment) and Piscator's Vigil wand

[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (3)[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (4)
Odealo is a secure tradingplatform for MMO gamers. Here you can buy, sell, and tradePoE Currency for real cash.

2. Build's PROS & CONS

  • the fastest clear speed in the game
  • up to 200% increased Movement Speed
  • excellent defenses with high Dodge Chance
  • scales exceptionally well with Abyss jewels and endgame gear
  • top single target DPS
  • utterly useless in Elemental Reflect Maps
  • vulnerable to Physical attacks because of low Armour Rating

3. Leveling tips

The leveling process is a bit different than usual because even though we are going to use wands in the endgame, you should be leveling up using an Elemental DPS Bow. Leveling with Bows is much easier and faster than when using Wands, but you will need to refund around 13 Passive Points when switching to theendgame build. You can start using a wand when you can wear Thunderfists, Piscator’s Vigil and Lycosidae. It is recommended to level most of the Kinetic Blast/Barrage endgame setup's Gems in your free Gem slots or the alt weapon slots.

Suggested leveling Gemsetups:

Ice Shot setup
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (5)Ice Shot-one of the first Bow skills available in PoE. Entirely viable for leveling until you replace it with Lightning Arrow
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (6)Added Cold Damage Support -great buff to DPS
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (7)Pierce Support - again, adds a lot of extra DPS
Lightning Arrow setup
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (8)Lightning Arrow- grants fantastic DPSand AoE, start using it right after you kill Merveil
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (9)Greater Multiple Projectiles Support- you can use it starting at level 38. Use if for clearing regular areas, and switch to Lesser Multiple Projectiles for boss killing
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (10)Added Cold Damage Support -grants additional cold damage to attacks
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (11)Added Lightning Damage Support - grants extraLightning Damage to attacks
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (12)Pierce Support
Utility Gems
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (13)Stone Golem- provides extra Life Regeneration
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (14)Assassin's Mark - recommended Curse for this build, which significantly increases your DPS
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (15)Herald of Ice - offers extra DPSand AoE explosions for smoother leveling
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (16)Herald of Thunder - provides decent DPS buff


We recommend killing all the Bandits for two additional Passive Points

Leveling Skill Trees:

32 Points Skill Tree
Priorities: 1) Finesse 2) Ballistic Mastery 3) Lethality 4) Herbalism 5) Thick Skin

79 Points Skill Tree
Priorities: 1) Bravery 2) Golem’s Blood 3) Phase Acrobatics 4) Coordination

Recommended leveling items:

[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (17)Prismweave - an excellent Belt that provides a lot of damage and increased elemental damage
(12-24)% increased Physical Damage
10% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
Adds (7-8) to (15-16) Fire Damage to Attacks
Adds (5-6) to (12-14) Cold Damage to Attacks
Adds 1 to (30-34) Lightning Damage to Attacks
+(6-8)% to all Elemental Resistances
30% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills during any Flask Effect
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (18)Wake of Destruction - a mightypair of Boots. They give you a lot of damage and are available from level 28
Adds 1 to 120 Lightning Damage to Attacks
(20-60)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(10-20) Life gained on Kill
10% chance to Cause Monsters to Flee
15% increased Movement Speed
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (19)Karui Ward- amazingDPS and Movement Speed bonuses
+(20-30) to Dexterity
+(20-30) to Strength
+100 to Accuracy Rating
30% increased Projectile Speed
10% increased Movement Speed
30% increased Projectile Damage
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (20)Stormcloud- the first unique Bow we suggest using, available from level 8
No Physical Damage
Adds 1 to 85 Lightning Damage
(36-50)% increased Attack Speed

[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (21)Doomfletch- another recommended unique Bow. Has item level requirement of 28

(20-24)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
Adds (12-16) to (20-24) Physical Damage
(10-14)% increased Attack Speed
60% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Gain 100% of Bow Physical Damage as Extra Damage of an Element

[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (22)Death's Opus - one of the most potent leveling Bows in PoE. Grants fantastic DPS with the twoadditional Arrows, and it will carry you until you can switch to Wand build

(30-50)% increased Critical Strike Chance
(100-125)% increased Physical Damage
Adds (10-20) to (30-35) Physical Damage
10% increased Attack Speed
+100% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
2 additional Arrows

4. Final Skill tree, Ascendancy Points, and Pantheon

Final Skill Tree:

116 Points Final Skill Tree
116 Points Path of Building(PoB) link

Ascendancy points:

Preferably in that order:

  1. Nature’s Adrenaline
  2. Veteran Bowyer
  3. Nature’s Boon
  4. Master Alchemist


Major God: Soul of Lunaris1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each nearby Enemy, up to 8%; 1% increased Movement Speed for each nearby Enemy, up to 8%

Minor God: Soul of Gruthkul -1% additional Physical Damage Reduction for each Hit you've taken Recently up to a maximum of 5%

5. Final Gems links

[DPS] Barrage
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (23)Barrage - your main single target skill
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (24)Slower Projectiles Support - decreases Projectiles' speed, but increases their damage by a lot
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (25)Added Lightning Damage Support - adds a lot of flat Lightning Damage, scales really well with Wrath Aura and increased Lightning Damage nodes on the Passive Skill Tree
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (26)Elemental Damage with Attacks Support - since this build relies on nearly full Elemental Damage, this Gem grants a lot of extra DPS
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (27)Elemental Focus Support - increases all Elemental Damage
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (28)Lightning Penetration Support - since we are mostly focused on Lightning Damage it helps with penetrating monster's resistances
[AURA/CURSE] Herald of Ice
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (29)Herald of Ice - grants moderate DPS boost and insane explosions with Kinetic Blast. Will also apply your Curse
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (30)Curse on Hit Support - this Gem linked with Herald of Ice will make it apply the supported curse
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (31)Assassin’s Mark - will be applied by Herald of Ice explosions, increasing the Cursed enemies' chance to receive Critical Strike
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (32)Onslaught Support - when Herald of Ice explosions kills a monster, there is a chance to grant you Onslaught buff which increases your Attack and Movement Speed
[DPS] Kinetic Blast
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (33)Kinetic Blast- your main AoE skill, clearing whole screens with Herald of Ice
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (34)Elemental Damage with Attacks Support - additional elemental DPS
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (35)Greater Multiple Projectiles Support - grants additional projectiles for Kinetic Blast which increased your clear speed
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (36)Pierce Support - increases projectiles damage and increases their chance to pierce your targets
[AURA/UTILITY] Ice Golem / Wrath setup
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (37)Ice Golem- provides additional Critical Strike Chance and Accuracy Rating
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (38)Wrath- provides additional Lightning Damage, increasing your DPS
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (39)Enlighten Support - reduces the amount of Mana reserved by Wrath
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (40)Empower Support- increases the level of supported Gems
[UTILITY] Vaal Grace and Vaal Haste setup
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (41)Vaal Haste - grants increased attack and movement speed
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (42)Vaal Grace- grants increased evasion rating
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (43)Increased Duration Support
[DEFENSE] Immortal Call setup
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (44)Immortal Call - grants brief immunity to Physical Damage when activated. Do not upgrade above the level of CwDT Support Gem
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (45)Cast when Damage Taken Support - keep at level 1. Will auto-cast supported skills (Immortal Call)
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (46)Increased Duration Support

[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (47)[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (48)
Odealo supports player-to-player trading for Path of Exile Currency, Orbs, and Unique items. With multiple sellers competing for your attention, you are to expect the best prices, prompt delivery and high quality of service.

5. Gear Setup

Kinetic Blast Pathfinder is literally the fastest and most efficient map-farming build in Path of Exile. We believe any PoE Currency invested in this build will pay up in the long run, and even though it is fully viable as a starter or budget-friendly build, it is still recommended to get it tofarm Tier 10+ maps efficiently. The most important piece of your equipment is the Wand, and a high Elemental DPS Wand may cost around 5-10 Exalted Orbs. The 5 or 6 linked Body Armour should be your number two priority.If you can't afford the recommended items, we would loveto invite you to visit our Path of Exile marketwhere you can buycheapPoEcurrencyto complete this build.

Ourrecommended items will:

  1. Cap your resistances
  2. Give you enough DPS/Life to start mapping successfully

Stat priorities on items:

  1. Life
  2. Elemental Resistances
  3. Lightning/Elemental Damage
  4. Critical Strike Chance / Critical Strike Multiplier
  5. Attack Speed
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (49)(Helmet) Rat's Nest – best in theslot and budget-friendly Helmet option. Grants a lot of extra DPS
15% increased Attack Speed
(60-75)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
150% increased Evasion Rating
(20-25)% increased Rarity of Items found
10% increased Movement Speed
10% reduced Character Size
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (50)(Helmet) Alpha’s Howl – optional Helmet which increases the level of Aura Gems and reduces the Mana theyreserve
+2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
(80-100)% increased Evasion Rating
+(20-30)% to Cold Resistance
25% chance to Avoid being Chilled
Cannot be Frozen
8% reduced Mana Reserved
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (51)(Weapon) Rare Wand - with high Elemental DPS
Min. requirements:
300+ elemental DPS (highest Lightning if possible)
20% increased Attack Speed
20% increased Critical Strike Chance
Optional affixes:
Increased Critical Strike Multiplier
Increased Elemental Damage with Weapons
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (52)(Weapon) Piscator’s Vigil - a perfect DPS wand, especially when combined with flat Damage added from Abyss Jewels
(35-39)% increased Spell Damage
No Physical Damage
(10-18)% increased Attack Speed
+(340-400) to Accuracy Rating
(20-30)% increased Critical Strike Chance
Attacks with this Weapon have (100-115)% increased Elemental Damage
Damage with Weapons Penetrates 5% Elemental Resistance
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (53)(Shield) Lycosidae - best shield for this build, which makes our attacks unavoidable, allowing to skip all accuracy on Tree and items
+(10-20) to maximum Life
+(120-160) to Armour
+(30-40) to maximum Life
Your hits can't be Evaded
+(3-5)% Chance to Block
Adds 250 to 300 Cold Damage to Counterattacks
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (54)(Body Armour) Queen of the Forest - definitely the best in slot Body Armour, which provides Resistances, Life and a lot of Movement Speed
+(20-30) to maximum Life
40% increased Totem Damage
+(80-100) to maximum Life
Can have up to 1 additional Totem summoned at a time
+300 Armour per active Totem
Blood Magic
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (55)(Body Armour) Belly of the Beast- another great body armour, that grants a lot more defensive stats and health than QotF
Item has no level requirement and Energy Shield (Hidden)
Item has 6 White Sockets and is fully linked (Hidden)
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (56)(Boots) Rare Boots - get a pair with the highest maximum Life bonus you can afford
Min. requirements:
60 maximum Life
20% increased Movement Speed
25% Fire Resistance
25% Lightning Resistance
25% Cold Resistance
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (57)(Boots) Atziri's Step - one of the best in slot boots for this build. Like most of the other unique items, it lacks Elemental Resistances. Picking this pair will require you to invest much more in other items, to cap your Resistances
180% increased Evasion Rating
+(55-75) to maximum Life
30% increased Movement Speed
(14-16)% chance to Dodge Spell Damage
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (58)(Belt) Rare Belt - again, we try to grab one with the highest maximum life and elemental resistances bonuses
Min. requirements:
70 maximum Life
35% Fire Resistance
35% Lightning Resistance
35% Cold Resistance
Optional affixes:
increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (59)(Belt) Doryani's Invitation – another good belt, good for budget build, grants a bit of resistances and additional lightning damage
+(25-35) to Strength
(20-30)% increased Lightning Damage
+(300-350) to Armour
+(30-35)% to Cold Resistance
+(30-35)% to Fire Resistance
0.2% of Lightning Damage Leeched as Life
10% chance to Shock during any Flask Effect
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (60)(Amulet) Rare Amulet
Min. requirements:
60 maximum Life
15% All Elemental Resistances
Adds min. 25 Lightning Damage to Attacks
Optional affixes:
increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (61)[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (62)(Ring) Rare Rings
Min. requirements:
60 maximum Life
15% All Elemental Resistances
25% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
Optional affixes:
Attack Speed
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (63)(Gloves) Rare Gloves - crafted with Essence of Horror (for pseudo-5-link Kinetic Blast)
Min. requirements:
Socketed Gems have +3.5% Critical Strike Chance
60 maximum Life
25% Fire resistance
25% Lightning resistance
25% Cold resistance
Optional affixes:
Attack Speed
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (64)(Gloves) Thunderfist - recommended option for the Gloves slot if you have enough Resistances on other gear. Gives the 5th link to Kinetic Blast setup and more damage to attacks
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Added Lightning Damage
Adds 1 to 100 Lightning Damage to Attacks
10% increased Attack Speed
+(25-30) to maximum Energy Shield
100% increased Shock Duration on Enemies
10% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (65)(Jewel)Rare Jewels- they should provide extra Life and damage bonuses
Recommended affixes:
increased maximum Life
increased Lightning/Projectile Damage
increased Attack Speed
Optional affixes:
increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (66)(Jewel)Abyss Jewels- they should provide extra Life and damage bonuses
Recommended affixes:
Maximum Life
Added min. 50 Lightning Damage with Attacks/Wands
Optional affixes:
% increased Elemental Resistances
% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
% increased Global Critical Strike Multiplier
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (67)(Flask) Dying Sun - the most important flask for this build, which adds additional projectiles for Kinetic Blast and Barrage
(-10-10)% increased Charges used
(15-25)% increased Area of Effect during Flask Effect
2 additional Projectiles during Flask Effect
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (68)(Flask) Vessel of Vinktar - another important utility Flask, which provides Lightning Damage Life Leech, added Lightning Damage to attacks and Shocks nearby enemies
(80-100)% increased Charges used
Shocks nearby Enemies during Flask effect, causing 10% increased Damage taken
You are Shocked during Flask effect, causing 50% increased Damage taken
Adds (25-35) to (110-130) Lightning Damage to Attacks during Flask effect
20% of Lightning Damage Leeched as Life during Flask effect
Other suggested Flasks:
  1. Bubbling Divine Life Flask of Staunching(immunity to Bleeding)
  2. Chemist’s Stibnite Flask of Adrenaline (for more Evasion and Movement Speed)
  3. Chemist’s Jade Flask of Reflexes (more Evasion = more Movement Speed)
[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (69)[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (70)[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (71)[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (72)[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (73)

[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (74)[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (75)
Odealo is a secure marketplace for PoE Currency and Unique Items where trades are made by regular players with the use of real money.

If you have any other build requests please leave that in the comments below.

Pictures used in this article are the intellectual property of Grinding Gear Games.

[3.6]The Fastest PoE Build - Kinetic Blast Pathfinder - Odealo's Crafty Guide (2024)


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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