Wine Salt Recipe - VIDEO - Growing A Greener World® (2024)

What the Heck is Wine Salt?

Don’t feel bad if you have never heard of wine seasoning salt. Most people haven’t. But let me be the one to tell you that wine salt is packed with flavor and is incredibly easy to make!

It is basically a reduction of a good wine (red or white) that is mixed with kosher or sea salt and used as a seasoning on beef, pork, chicken, vegetables, stew, etc, etc…You get the picture. It tastes like a seasoned reduction sauce- having the same depth of flavor you get when you deglaze a pan. I like to take it a step further and add herbs and citrus zest so that it has even more punch. When the concentrated wine hits the juices of whatever meat or veggies you are seasoning, it turns into liquid deliciousness! Trust me, you will love it.

Wine Salt How-To Video:

Watch the quick video above showing you how it’s made…and yeah, I really do think the cook should get a glass of wine while making it. (Tee hee)

Feel free to embed or share the YouTube versionHow to Make Wine Salt.

A few tips:

  • Be sure to use a wine that you enjoy drinking. The finished wine salt is only as good as the wine you start with. If you don’t care for the wine, reducing it will only concentrate the flavors you do not like.
  • You can skip adding the herbs if you wish.
  • You can also change out the thyme and lemon zest I use here for whatever strikes your fancy. Rosemary with cabernet is particularly nice. I also like to combine sage with Merlot. Be experimental!
  • Your finished salt will last at least 6 months in the jar. After that, the flavors start to dissipate and it is time to make a new batch.


  • 1 bottle of wine (or about 2 cups if you pour yourself a glass of wine first)
  • 1 cup kosher salt
  • 1 tsp. lemon zest
  • 1 tsp. freshly chopped thyme leaves

1) Pour wine into a heavy-bottomed pan over medium heat. Start simmering until the entire contents are reduced down to just about 3 tablespoons. This takes about 20 minutes. Stir occasionally. You will know when it is done because it will suddenly turn syrupy. (Which means it thickens a bit and coats the back of a metal spoon.) Don’t go past that stage or it will burn!

2) Add the salt and whatever spices you like to use. (Citrus zest and savory herbs like rosemary, thyme, oregano, or sage all work well).

Wine salt has a lovely color and fully developed flavor

3) Stir well and spread the mixture onto a cookie sheet.

4) There are several ways to dry out the salt before storing, but the most important part is that you dry it completely without burning it. Use one of the following methods:

  • Oven: Dry slowly in a very low oven for 1-2 hours (the lowest setting your oven will go). Keep the door ajar if possible and check every 20 minutes or so. The wine salt can easily burn – so watch closely!
  • Dehydrator: A dehydrator is actually the easier way to go and you do not have to worry about burning it if you do it that way. Depending upon your setting, it will take several hours or overnight to dry completely.
  • Counter: You can also just set the pan on the counter to dry, stirring it every few hours. This is the slowest method and takse a day or so to dry completely.

5) Take out the salt and let it cool completely before pouring it into a tightly sealed container. Use within 6 months for best flavor.

6) Use the wine salt as you would any seasoning salt. Sprinkle it over foods before or after cooking.

Try it on:

  • Steaks and roasts
  • Stew
  • Roasted veggies
  • Root vegetables
  • Any grilled meat
  • Any savory dish that can use a splash of wine for flavor

But remember, it is a salt with very concentrated wine flavors. A little goes a long way!

Wine Salt Recipe - VIDEO - Growing A Greener World® (5)

AboutTheresa Loe

Theresa Loe is an award-winning garden writer for television, print media and video. She is also one of the founding producers of Growing A Greener World, bringing her voice and expertise both on-camera and behind-camera from day one. She is passionate about taking the garden full circle (from seed, to pantry, to table) and shares how to capture seasonal, fresh-picked flavor.

Wine Salt Recipe - VIDEO - Growing A Greener World® (2024)


What does adding salt to wine do? ›

In some cases high salt levels have been shown to improve strongly acidic wines by softening them. This principal is the same as that which underlies the practice by some people of adding a pinch of salt to their acidic coffee in an attempt to make it more palatable.

What is wine infused salt? ›

It is basically a reduction of a good wine (red or white) that is mixed with kosher or sea salt and used as a seasoning on beef, pork, chicken, vegetables, stew, etc, etc

What do you do with red wine salt? ›

Uses: This salt has wonderful versatility. We use it on meats, from seafood (cod, salmon, tuna) through to red meats (steak and venison). We love the salt as a dipping ingredient with EVOO. We especially enjoy it on asparagus and green beans or it makes an easy salad dressing flavoring.

What is the double salt method in wine making? ›

Double-salt deacidification is a technique that involves the formation of insoluble double calcium salts between malic and tartaric acids. The advantage of this method is its ability to reduce tartaric acid, as well as malic acid.

Why add lemon juice to wine? ›

Expert winemakers across the world use lemon juice as their secret ingredient. It creates a tantalizing balance in the wine that cannot be replicated by any other juice. We recommend adding lemon juice at the end of the fermentation process. WARNING: Don't add it to a wine or cider that is too tart or sour.

How long does wine salt last? ›

Basically, it is a simple season salt which combines a wine reduction with salt and herbs. It is delicious, simple to make and will last up to 6 months on your pantry shelf.

What does wine salt taste like? ›

So, a high salt content in a wine doesn't just make that wine salty, but makes us perceive it as both sweeter and less acidic than it is. Aromas, on the other hand, are sensed strictly with the nose. This includes when the wine is in our mouth as well as on the finish, after we've swallowed.

What is salt of the earth wine? ›

Salt of the Earth Moscatos taste unlike any other Moscato because they are made unlike any other Moscato. We use superior Muscat grape varieties that are handled with care from the time they are grown to the moment they become wine.

Where can I use red wine salt? ›

Wine salt is a versatile ingredient that adds the flavour of wine without the liquid. It's fabulous rubbed on meat and sprinkled over salads. You can save the leftover bits from bottles of wine to make it.

How do you chill wine salt quickly? ›

How to Chill Wine Fast:
  1. Put water and 1/2 lb of salt in a large bucket and mix thoroughly to ensure complete dilution of the salt.
  2. Add Ice to the salt water and mix until you have a thick slush.
  3. Completely submerge your bottle(s) of wine into salted ice water mixture.
Apr 27, 2021

What is cabernet salt? ›

1 cup Cabernet wine. 1 cup kosher salt. Boil wine until reduced to 1 ½ tbsp. Remove from heat. Add salt and stir to allow it to absorb the wine.

What happens if you salt wine? ›

The salt neutralized the acidity in a big way, making the sauvignon blanc as smooth as butter. Maclean found that her white wine tasted drier after the salt but I felt differently. My mouth filled with green apple, lime zest, and passionfruit flavors that were much more apparent after tasting the salt.

Does adding salt increase fermentation? ›

Too much salt may kill off all the bacteria, thus preventing fermentation. Too little salt will allow bad bacteria to keep on living. Again, it is a fine balance.

Does salty food make wine taste better? ›

Components in Food That Make Wine Taste Harder or Softer

Sweetness and umami tend to make wines taste “harder”, meaning the wine may seem more drying, bitter, acidic, tarter, and flat. Salt and acid in food tend to make wines taste “softer”, which results in wine that tastes less drying, bitter, acidic and astringent.

What does adding salt to alcohol do? ›

A tiny pinch of salt can curb bitterness and bring out herbaceous, fragrant, punchy flavors in co*cktails. One doesn't have to travel great distances or seek out obscure drinking establishments to find people taking pleasure in the combination of salt and alcohol.


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