The Crowley Post-Signal from Crowley, Louisiana (2024)

THURSDAY, MAY 5. 1949 CROWLEY DAILY SIGNAL, CROWLEY, LOUISIANA PAGE THREE brary for the last meeting of th Commerce office Thursday, May 4 Charles Wednesday. p. m. at the High school.

The Crowley Business and Pro Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Daigle, Mr.

5 at 7:30 p. m. SO GIST 7 Home," whicn was followed by the introduction of mothers by the girls. The closing ritual was given by Joella Jones and the displays of projects were then shown. Dur and Mrs.

C. A. Brewer, Mr. and Mrs. L.

J. Chap puis, Mr. and Mrs. essional Women's Club will meet Monday, May 9 at 7:30 p. m.

at Friday. May 6 The Blue Birds under the lead school year. An election of offi cers will be held, and all mem bers are urged to attend. The Business Women's Circl of the Presbyterian" church wil meet Tuesday, May 10 at n. m.

at the home of Mrs. A ership of Miss Bess Toler will By Mrs. Rosalee Landry Chester Bellard, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barousse, Mr.

and Mrs. Phone 800 Phone 801 meet Friday, May 6 at 4:00 p. m. at the home of Miss Toler. The public is cordially invited Hiram E.

Reed, and J. W. Faulk were among others from Crowley who attended the Scanlan-Daigle wedding In Church Point Sun the American Legion home tor the election of officers and installation banquet. Tuesdar. May 10 The Xi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma will have a barbecue Tuesday, May 10, at 5:00 p.

m. at the home of Miss Bess Toler. Please note change in date. Moselev "with Mrs. H.

A. For- to the "Ancient American Re sh-ag as co-hostess. day. view" which will be presented Friday, May 6 at 7:30 p. m.

at the Pythian Hall. Mrs. Richard P. Harrison and If your family likes the tast daughter, Betty Ann, of Steuben ville, Ohio, are visiting her pa of curry powder try aaaing dash of it to scalloped tomatoes USE the SIGNAL WANT AD: The Michael's School League will meet here Tuesdav, May 10 at 2:30 p. m.

at the school li Sunday, May 8 The Brotherhood of the First Baptist church will meet Sunday, May 8 at 6:30 p. m. at the church. All men are invited to attend rents, Mr. and Mrs.

V. G. Coles, for several "weeks. She will 'be remembered as the former Bea lides, Maurice Lege, Dave Regan, Miss Jane Stewart, and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs.

Wilson-Lindsey Marriage Announced CHURCH POINT, May 5 (Spl) Mrs. F. J. Lindsey of Lafayette announces the marriage of her daughter, Peggy Irene, to Em-mett Wilson, of Church Point. The wedding took place at the Methodist parsonage in Rayne on Sunday, May 1 with Rev.

Barham of iciating. trice Coles. if i V' Jv ij this hour of fellowship and study of God's work. Come and Mrs, F. Hosford and sons, Robin and Rusty of New Orleans visited at the home of Mr.

and Mary Lee Hobgood Welcomed At Legion Hospital Thursday Mr and Mrs. Jack Hobgood are the proud parents of their second daughter, born Thursday, May 5 at the Legion Memorial hospital. The young lady has been named Mary Lee and arrived weighing six pounds, three-fourths ounce. 'Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.

G. C. Terrell of Crowley, and paternal grandparents are Dr. and Mrs. J.

H. Hobgood cl Torran, La. Little Mary Lee is also welcomed by a sister, Terry. Mrs. A.

M. Petry Celebrates Birthday At Party" Sunday bring a friend. Monday, May 9 ing tne program Mrs. Barbara Hoffpauir accompanied the girls with the musical numbers. For the occasion the rooms were decorated with red roses, the club flower, and other spring blooms.

During the social period refreshments of punch, cakes, mints and party sandwiches were served. Those present were the mothers, Mesdames Oren Jones, A. C. Maraist, Warren Harmon, Lewis Atkinson, Wallace Menard, F. G.

Coles, Ancil Ferguson, Frank Rourke, L. Y. Phillips, Whitney Boudreaux, and W. H. Underwood; the out of town guests, Miss Clyde Mobley of i Baton Rouge, Miss Helen Nichols of Lafayette, Miss Barbara Elaine Taylor and Mrs.

F. B. Richard of Rayne; and the faculty, Mrs. Jack Lyons, Mrs. B.

B. Buatt, Mrs. Kathleen Mrs. J. L.

Lege, Mrs. J. P. LaPorte, Miss Marie Milliken, Miss Sue Hains, Mrs. Florence Amy, Miss Louise Samrow, and Mrs.

Barbara 1 Mrs. D. W. Allan for a week. Mr Hosford joined them over the week-end and they returned to New Orleans with him.

Mrs. Albert Stoesseil and chil dren left to spend a while with FOR SALE iff if First Methodist Church and Educational Buildings, Jennings, Louisiana. Of Frame Construction, To Be Removed From Present Site- Telephone 305-J, Jennings, Louisiana CLUBS- The Lohore Camp Fire Troop I will meet Monday, May 9 at 4:00 p. m. at the home of Mrs.

Carl L. Cassidy. The Dorcas and Ruth Circles of the Baptist church will meet at the church Monday, May 9 at 2:30 p. m. for visitation.

The Home Rebekah Lodge 35 will meet Monday, May 9 at 7:30 p. m. her mother, Mrs. Ernest Prieto, in Mandeville, La. Mrs.

P. D. Lambert. "accompan ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED: Rev. and Mrs.

S. R. Henderson of Kinder announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn, to Arnold Ray Faulk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C.

Faulk of Crowley. The date of the wedding has not been set. ied by Mrs. Dick Watson of Lake Charles, visited in Lafayette Tuesday. PETRY BRIDGE, May 5 fCrilt IkToe A H- Mrs.

Adonis Landry returned to her home in Rayne Monday afternoon after spending several The Crowley Band Boosters will meet Monday, May 9 at 7:30 Knights Of Pythias Will Observe 58th Anniversary Crowley Lodge 85, Knights of Pythias, will observe the 58th anniversary of the founding of the local lodge In 1891. The celebration is to be an outstanding event for 1949, and grand lodge representatives as well as delegates from lodges throughout the state will be invited to attend. C. M. Singleton, secretary, stated that the Crnwlev Inrtcre, ic PERSONALS ICHURCHES1 aays witn relatives Mr.

Mrs. N. Ragusa and family of Hammond visited relatives in Crowley Sunday. Jimmy Craig and Junior Meche of Rayne were visitors in Crowley Tuesday afternoon." ored at a birthday party Sunday. Refreshments of cake and lemonade were served to Mr.

and Mrs. Minos Petry, Mrs. Beulas Petry and children, Richard and Jdan, Mr. and Mrs. James Hof pauir and son of Crowley, Mr.

and Mrs. Wilbur Perry and children of Petry Bridge, Mrs. Martha Petry of Crowley, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hoffpauir of Ebenezer.

Officers Elected lljjP linked with the early history of By Catholic Daughters At Meeting Monday The election 'or officers for Court of St. Michael, Catholic Daughters, was held at the meeting Monday night at the Knights of Columbus home. Miss Minnie LaCour was reelected grand regents. Other of Armour Miss Teddy Jean Robbins, who was called to Crowley by the death of her grandmother, Mrs. B.

Robbins, has returned to Baton Rouge to resume her studies 'at the Louisiana State University. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Couere of Houston are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

J. E. Oswalt for a short visit. Max Simar, of Iota was a business visitor in Crowley Wednesday. Mrs.

P. D. Lambert, accompanied by Mrs. Carl Curtis of Rayne, attended the work shop officer training of the Women's Society of Christian Service of the church in Lake Mrs. D.

P. Egan -Hostess To Members Of Quilt Club mmm gal. $1.39 The home of Mrs. D. P.

Egari was tne scene or tne Quut Club meet ing Tuesday afternoon. ficers elected were Mrs. Marjory Guidry, vice-regent; Miss Maxine LaFosse, prophetess; Miss Stella Duhon, financial secretary; Miss Wanda Trahan, Miss Since there was no business to South Down Fine Granulated Blue Plate Pi. MMomMsE -37c be discussed the afternoon was spent in visiting, and Mrs. R.

D. Dalf eres presented a gay and hilarious program. During the snrlnl nprlnH tho Thursday, May 5 The Kinunka Camp Fire Troop will meet Thursday, May 5 at 4:00 p. m. at the home of Mrs.

Carl L. The Order of the Eastern Star will meet Thursday, May 5 at 3:00 p. m. at the Masonic temple for their regular meeting. "The Knights of Columbus, Crowley Council 1318, will hold their regular, business meeting on Thursday, May, 5 at 7:30 p.

m. at the Knights of Columbus home on North Avenue G. All members are requested to attend. All workers of the Crowley Little Theatre Membership Drive will meet at the Association of Vivian Barousse, treasurer; Mrs. Goldie Boudreaux, monitor; Mrs.

Agnes Hanagriff, sentinel; Mrs. Mary Margaret Bossley, lecturer; Miss Hilda Fontenot, organist; Mrs. Paul Karre, Miss Lois Holder, trustees; and Rev. A. F.

Gilbert, chaplain. A financial report on the re hostess served a delicious fruit salad course, candy and iced tea. The meeting was adjourned No. 2 Can Jackson Lima No. 2 Can Tomato chairman of the nominating committee gave the reports.

The program, "The World at Our Door" and "Working Together in Making A Christian World," was given by Mrs. J. W. Wynn. Thirteen members were present for the meeting, aDout live ciock.

Dorothy McGann Receives RN Diploma Sunday In Houston EUNICE," May 5-(Spl) Miss Dorothy McGann; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Noah J7 Guillory, received her RN diploma Sunday at St. Joseph's School of Nursing in. Houston, Texas," with the highest class average of 96.7 in a class of students.

She was also awarded a medal lor extra curricular studies. Legion Auxiliary -Will Install Officers At Monday Meeting Miss Monita Goldsby of Baton Rouge, international news service chairman, be present at the meeting of the American Legion Auxilliary Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock for, the installation of officers. She will be accompanied by Miss Mat Powell of Baton Rouge, state new service chairman." Miss Emma'. Wood ot Eunice, state president, will also be present. A banquet will be held'fol-lowing election and installation of officers.

cent dance revue given by the Barbara Reggie School of Danc JO ing and sponsored by the local court was made by Mrs. Barbara Reggie. The affair was an outstanding success and a vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. Mrs. Harold Reed Elected President Of Eunice Mothers Club EUNICE, May 5 (Spl) At the meeting of the Eunice Mothers Club held Monday evening at St.

Edmund's gym Mrs. Harold Reed was elected president. Others elected serve With her are Mrs. Tj-iiis Mn Crisco or Spry The court voted to make a do nation to the Catholic Student 05c ...........3 lb. can Center building fund at Louisi No.

1 Can Pork and No. 2 Can Del's Blackeye vice-president; Mrs. L. M. Reed, secretary, and Mrs.

E. A. Veillon, treasurer. Entertainment for the evening was furnished by a group of high school students who offered songs, dances, recitals and a book review. Mrs'.

Bill Martin, outgoing president, was presented with .3 for aJv ana State Normal in Natchitoches. A contribution was also made itoward the rebuilding of the Catholic hospital at Effingham, 111. The members were requested to tune in on a special Mother's Day broadcast on Sunday at 8:30 p. m. over the MBS.

Sunday, May 8 is the regular communion date for the members at the 6:30 Mass. Following they will meet at a local restaurant for lunch. Members are urged to attend. Charlotte Chambers And Dick Leeper Honored At Dinner Party Red Head Corn 5 lb. bag 24c a gift for her splendid accomplishments while "serving" as Light Crust FUHIBfrfa.79c -J Hi-A president of the club, and Mrs.

Phillip Montelaro" was presented Episcopal Auxiliary a for ner perfect attendance at the monthly meet To Hold Cake Sale Saturday," May 14 At the meetine of thp Enisr.o- ings. VEGETABLES Rt. Rev. Msgr. A Martel said Dal Women's Auxiliarv hpld Mnn.

that funds appropriated by the Mothers Club would be used to day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Gray entertained at a dinner party Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Gray's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Lance McBrlde. in honor of Charlotte Chambers and Dick Leepers, students in the 1949 graduating class of Crowley High school. The dining table centered with arrangement of spring flowers in a low silver bowl which was flanked by silver candelabra bearing green tapers. Dainty confection school bells in pasted colors were as place cards. A delicious four course chicken dinner was served to the honor 'guests, Miss Chambers and Mr.

Miss. Aphrodite Mamou- furnish "the new elementary Yellow Ripe tiary Bergeron plans were made to hold a cake sale bv tele school building now under tne phone oh Saturday, May 14. Or ders iot any Kina or cake wil be taken by Mrs. Donald Aaron at lb. During the social period refreshments were served to those present.

strapless bra by leiepnone vba. derived lrum mis source win De used to buy chairs for he parish house. i Future Homemakers Entertain At Tea Wednesday Afternoon ine Auxiliary presented plans for the summer camp for boys and eirls to be held at. Hamn 1 i 6 II EV.I Xf ill 1 Pink Ripe T0MATQ .2 M0 VI lllf Ani VJI Hardtner, Alexandria. The fee is $25 for about 12 the Future Homemakers of MUIK HUM.

America held their annual mo camp is open to anyone who wishes to attend. LAST TIME TODAY RAFT 6ENDIX MAXWELL ther and daughter tea at the home economics department on Wednesday afternoon at three A miracle bra come true! MA It A uses the lightest lastex to make this wonderful brassiere, with nylon marquisite forming the top of the bust cup. A minimum of light boning gives' form and contour to the bra. You're beautiful in a Hi-A beauty bra! White or black. B.

arid cups. No. 500 and cups 32 tnrough 33 Price $3.50 Methodist WSCS o'clock. LEIIUCEz heads 1 fC ll .2 bun. Holds Meeting Joella Jones, president, called the meeting to order, gave the Monday Afternoon Societ.v nf welcome address and the open ing ritual.

Christian Service of the. Meth PLUS ALVINO- REY AND ORCHESTRA The theme for the program HE A TS was "Home Living in me USA odist church met Monday afternoon for the business and pro-grarn meeting; and was opened with the FRIDAY SATURDAY rnn singing the FHA March. Miss Clyde Mobley, state su Armour's Mrs. A. M.

Brown opened the meeting with a' hymn, "Happy the Home." and cave a devnt.inn- UJl' pervlsor of home economics, gave a talk on "The Value of Family 'WHITE GORILLA' With RAY CORRIGAN al.on the Christian The Relationship in Good Home Life." Mary. Belle Greenman sang "Songs My Mother Taught PC ibJSc devotional was closed with, a silent prayer. followed by a talk by Miss Helen The business meeti or tiroc in ALSO Nichols. SU home economics department, on "The Importance 405 N. Parkerson Ave.

Phone 165 charge of Mrs. A. E. Stanton, president. The minutes and communications were read and the of a Home Economics Course to Hens and Prime Rib Every Girl." Joella' Jones, Claudine Hayes and Lorraine Schmid sang "Gal r5r u.

Aiu is I. X3 HK OQ8AN F2YEH ih.59c ib.65c TODAY 9c 25c way and Barbara Elaine Taylor, southwest district presi dent, discussed "The High School Girl's Place in the Home." BETTE DAVIS IN Fresh Homemade Pork I Square Cut Chuck The girls presented a -act play, "Sunday A. M. in the Aver OPENS 2:15 OPENS 1 P. RL SAT.

SUN. BRUCE THEATRE Phone 1099 age Home." Mary Belle Green- 'JUNE BRIDE" i man gave a talk on "How I Use ROAST afl9c My Home Economic -Work in My. DELICATESSEN FRIDAY SATURDAY 2 FEATURES TODAY FRIDAY IN BEAUTIFUL COLOR "DRAGNET!" Armour's -Cloverbloom FREE SHRIMP SUPPER 1 FRIDAY NIGHT BeerShort Orders TUESDAY NIGHT Opening Night For Our New Dance Hall Annex To The Welcome Drive Inn FEATURING UNCLE AMBROSE AND HIS LOUISIANIANS im ADVENTURES OF AND- BUTTE "PLUHDERERS" RODiIJ HOOD" with EHROL FLYNN Armour's Sweet Sixteen Wisconsin Siaie -ACADIA Theatre 611 Ah A ADDED, CARTOON "PLAYFUL PELICAN" AND LATEST WORLD NEWS WELCOME DRIVE IHH Mr. and Mrs. Henry Magnon 1st St.

jmd acob St. vCrowley, JLa. WEEK DAYS 7 A. P. M.

SATURDAYS 7:00 A. P. M. 7.

The Crowley Post-Signal from Crowley, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

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Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.