Roasted Radishes Recipe + Everything to Know About Radishes (2024)

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Not a radish fan? Try roasted radishes instead! As a kid, I had a fascination with and great aversion to radishes. They were such beautiful little orbs they had to be tasty, like carrots, right? But the unusual pungent flavor put me off when grabbing radishes from the veggie tray. As an adult, I’ve told myself countless times has to be more than radishes than raw crudité trays! Once I learned more about the health benefits and the other possibilities, I was determined to bring the radish to a new level. Want to know more about these little guys? Read on.

Roasted Radishes Recipe + Everything to Know About Radishes (1)

Radish Health Benefits

Innocuous on the veggie platter, the health benefits of radishes are rather amazing. They are a wealth of vitamins and minerals, including Vitamins A, E, K, B6 plus fiber, zinc, calcium and even iron.

Radishes can help alleviate conditions such as jaundice, digestive upsets or urinary issues, heart problems, diabetes, and cancer. They even have anti-bacterial properties which can help with colds and other respiratory issues.

In a pinch, you can use radish juice to soothe a bug bite, treat a fever, or wash your face. I’m not going to say they’re magic but pretty close. Plus, each radish offers no fat and nearly no carbohydrate in a one calorie package.

Types of Radishes

While you’re probably most familiar with the round red radish varieties, there are several different types of radish. Daikon, typically used in Asian cooking is a type of radish, and there are black Spanish, long French varieties, and the familiar horseradish.

Sometimes it can be difficult to find the more unusual varieties even at specialty grocery stores, but farmers markets can be a trove of fresh radishes. If that fails, you can easily grow your own array of radishes right in your garden!

Roasted Radishes Recipe + Everything to Know About Radishes (2)

How to Grow Radishes

Radishes are low-maintenance, fast-growing crops you can enjoy all summer long. They typically love cool soil temperatures, so they are usually spring or early crops. However, depending on where you live, you can get in a fall crop as well, planting in August or September.
Most spring/summer varieties are mature in 20 – 30 days, making them perfect for impatient gardeners (like kids!). There are also winter varieties that mature much more slowly, 60 – 120 days.

For best success, plant in soil that isn’t too high in nitrogen – enrich your compost or soil with wood ashes, if possible. This helps repel bugs and maintain an ideal level of moisture. Radishes shouldn’t be allowed to become too dry but won’t thrive in overly wet soil.

Roasted Radishes Recipe + Everything to Know About Radishes (3)

Making Radishes Taste Good

When it comes to eating, radishes are no one-trick pony. In the US we often eat radishes raw, but in other parts of the world, radishes are eaten after cooking or are used in a flavoring in soups or other cooked dishes. There are also plenty of unique radish recipes such as radish butterand radish chips. Other great ways to enjoy them are a radish salad or pickled radishes.

While most of the time we eat the radish alone, the radish greens are also tasty. You can sauté them with the radishes themselves or chop them to enhance any salad.

Roasted Radishes Recipe + Everything to Know About Radishes (4)

Roasted Radishes

One of my new favorite ways to use up summer radishes is with roasted radishes. Joanne from The Salty Pot shared this recipe and findsthe key to these radishes is a lot of seasoning, and getting a nice caramelization. The more the “char” or “browning”, the tastier they will be.

Roasted Radishes Recipe + Everything to Know About Radishes (5)

When they’re roasted like this, the spicy, peppery flavor of the radish goes away. They’re divine when dolloped with a bit of sour cream. Roasted radishes are the perfect stand in for potatoes when someone is on a low carb diet.

How to Roast Radishes

To make these roasted radishes, you’ll first need to wash and cut your radishes. In addition to cutting off both tips, you’ll need to cut them in half.

Roasted Radishes Recipe + Everything to Know About Radishes (6)

They look a lot like baby red potatoes like this, don’t they?

Roasted Radishes Recipe + Everything to Know About Radishes (7)

Transfer them to a boil and drizzle with olive oil, garlic powder, Italian seasoning and salt and pepper to taste.

Roasted Radishes Recipe + Everything to Know About Radishes (8)

Spread them out on a baking sheet and bake for approximately 25 to 30 minutes minutes or until they are caramelized and tender.

Roasted Radishes Recipe + Everything to Know About Radishes (9)

You can even add radishes whole to a slow cooker with a pot roast as they are a perfect substitute for the potato. While they might not be starchy like a potato, they give the look and idea of having a potato that we are so used to having with pot roast. For more low carb options, serve them with thin pork chops in air fryer or try what I consider to be the best tilapia recipe! You can also try air frying chicken legs for a great low carb dinner.

Roasted Radishes Recipe + Everything to Know About Radishes (10)

4.59 from 12 votes


Roasted Radishes

CourseSide Dish

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 30 minutes

Total Time 40 minutes

Servings 4

Author Joanne for


  • 1poundradishesgreen tips and ends removed, large ones sliced in half
  • 2tablespoonavocado or olive oil
  • 1/2teaspoongarlic powder
  • 1teaspoonItalian seasoning
  • salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

  2. In a medium bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix well so that all the spices cover the radishes

  3. Place on a aluminum foil lined baking sheet or casserole dish with the cut side down.

  4. Roast for 25 - 30 minutes or until the radishes are fork tender, and golden brown.

  5. Before serving, adjust for seasoning (salt and pepper again).

  6. Garnish with a bit of sour cream and even bacon bits if you prefer.

Love roasted vegetables? Try these roasted brussel sprouts with bacon!

Hope you’ve learned more about the benefits of radishes and delicious ways to eat them.

Roasted Radishes Recipe + Everything to Know About Radishes (2024)


Are radishes better cooked or raw? ›

Raw radishes have a kick. I happen to like that subtle spicy burn, but if you don't (or if you just want a different radish vibe), there's an easy work-around: Cook your radishes. Cooking radishes is a simple way to mute their bark and enhance their sweetness.

What to do with lots of radishes? ›

Radishes are most often served raw, halved and sprinkled with salt, shaved into salads, layered over butter-smeared baguettes, or shredded into slaws. They also can be marinated with olive oil and lemon and mint for a refreshing salad, and they can be pickled with a classic vinegar-sugar-salt mix.

Do radishes get milder when cooked? ›

It will crisp up a little but stay mild. Another way to tame a radish is with heat, in both temperature and spicy senses of the word. Radishes get mellow with cooking, their pungency replaced with sweetness.

What do baked radishes taste like? ›

đź’­What do roasted radishes taste like? Roasted radishes taste nothing like the raw ones, they are sweeter and less peppery. The texture of cooked radishes is very similar to potatoes, and they kind of taste like potatoes, too, making them a great low-carb option.

What should not be eaten with radishes? ›

  1. Dec 6, 2023, 08:52 PM IST. 5 Foods You Must Never Pair With Radish. ...
  2. Radish and Milk. ...
  3. Radish and Cucumber. ...
  4. Radish and Oranges. ...
  5. Radish and Bitter Gourd. ...
  6. Radish and Tea.
Dec 6, 2023

Are radishes anti-inflammatory? ›

Radishes contain compounds called anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce inflammation throughout the body. Radishes are low in calories and high in fiber, which makes them a great food for weight loss.

What do Mexicans do with radishes? ›

Today, radishes are used in a variety of Mexican dishes, including salsas, tacos, and enchiladas. They add a crunchy texture and a spicy flavor to these dishes, and they can be eaten raw or cooked.

Why do Mexicans eat radishes with their food? ›

Radishes add a refreshing, crunchy contrast to dense, savory dishes; for that reason, they're used as a garnish in many Mexican dishes. You can find them raw and thinly sliced on top of enchiladas, tacos, and pozole. They also add a beautiful pop of color to these dishes.

What is the healthiest way to eat radishes? ›

Cute, crunchy and peppery, radishes are a pretty addition to any plate. They're best eaten raw, and can be easily sliced into salads and sandwiches, or enjoyed whole and dipped into houmous for a healthy snack. The young leaves are delicious in salads or cooked in the same way as spinach.

Why do people put salt on radishes? ›

The peppery, fiery radishes are tamed by the swipe through the cool, creamy butter, and then the flavors of both are brought out by the salt. The radishes are so cold and crunchy and spicy, and they have a mildly sulfuric note.

How do you eat cooked radishes? ›

-While the radishes cook mix together the softened butter, remaining salt, garlic powder, jarred Calabrian chili pepper and lemon zest. -As soon as the radishes come out of the oven, hit them with the compound butter and toss. -Top with grated parmigiano reggiano and parsley. Eat warm.

Can dogs have radishes? ›

Yes! Radishes are safe for your dog to eat in moderation and contain a good source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C.

What is the tastiest radish? ›

Watermelon Radishes Are the Best Radishes for a Sweeter Flavor. Watermelon radishes don't look like much with their green and white skin, but they're gorgeous on the inside with their hot pink centers.

Do cooked radishes taste like turnips? ›

Roasting radishes tames their heat, revealing a pleasantly mild, turnip-like flavor.

Do you have to peel radishes before cooking? ›

Radishes do not have to be peeled; just wash and cut off the tops and root ends. You can use them sliced, diced, shredded, or whole.

Do radishes lose nutrients when cooked? ›

The fact is that all forms of cooking can destroy some of the nutrients (such as vitamin C and B vitamins) in vegetables. But the flip side is that some nutrients actually become more bioavailable when vegetables are cooked, since cooking helps release the nutrients from the cell walls of the plant.

Why should you eat radishes raw? ›

Because of the presence of a wide variety of nutrients, radish makes an ideal dish for raw and cooked consumption. Some of the benefits of eating radish include: Improves bowel health: Because radish is rich in fiber, it adds considerable bulk to bowel movements that alleviates constipation symptoms.

Is cooked radish good? ›

Radishes can be eaten raw or cooked. Applying heat to radishes helps calm the mild (or sometimes strong) spicy or peppery flavors in them. To cook radishes, you can bake or roast them in the oven, or sauté or pan-roast them on the stovetop.


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