Roadwatch traffic news | AA (2024)


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    Plus, get real-time traffic information about delays and incidents along the way.

    If you're running low on fuel, you can find the nearest and cheapest place to top up. And if you need a parking space, we know just the spot. All you have to do is set the filters for the kind of parking you want, and away you go. Once you've found a space, our app will even remind you of exactly where you parked.

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  • Roadwatch traffic news | AA (2024)


    What happened to AA Roadwatch? ›

    As of July 10th 2021, The AA will no longer provide AA Roadwatch broadcasts, effective immediately – he said the company will continue to issue travel advice online and on social media. “We have decided to move away from this service and instead focus on growing other areas of our business.

    How can I find out about roadworks in my area? ›

    For details about all roadworks and traffic information please visit the Traffic England website.

    Are there any problems on M25? ›

    Delay : There are currently delays of 10 minutes against expected traffic. Location : The M25 anticlockwise at junction J25 . Reason : Congestion. Status : Currently Active.

    Is there an app for accidents near me? ›

    Traffie tells you instantly about traffic, construction, accidents, crashes, & more. Avoid traffic delays with real-time traffic information about situation on the road. Receive traffic alerts when you're driving.

    Is American Airlines still in operation? ›

    It is the largest airline in the world when measured by scheduled passengers carried, revenue passenger mile. American, together with its regional partners and affiliates, operates an extensive international and domestic network with almost 6,800 flights per day to nearly 350 destinations in 48 countries.

    Is there an app for local roadworks? ›

    Download the Waze app on Android or iPhone and keep up-to-date with live traffic news and roadworks near you.

    Why are there so many roadworks everywhere? ›

    Above all else the reason why there are so many roadworks in the UK has been because successive governments have underspent on the roads' infrastructure system over decades.

    Is one network free to use? ›

    User friendly and free-to-view, Causeway is one of the most visited, most comprehensive and most widely syndicated source of roadworks and traffic disruption information in the UK.

    How do I find my AA membership? ›

    You'll need your 16-digit membership number, which you can find on the back of your membership card or on your policy documents. Breakdown (through your bank): You'll need your bank account number and sort code, so we can confirm your details with them.

    What is AA membership? ›

    Personal Membership is available as: Single Assistance – for you as a driver or passenger. Joint Assistance – you or someone else living at the same address. Family Assistance – for you and up to four people living at the same address. Vehicle Based Membership* – covers your car no matter who is driving.

    Does AA Breakdown cover Ireland? ›

    We'll cover you from the moment you leave home, to the moment you get back – whether you're driving in France, Ireland or up to 44 countries across the continent. We cover vehicles of any age including cars, vans, motorcycles, campervans and caravans.

    How do I contact AA Breakdown Assistance Ireland? ›

    +353 1 649 7460

    Call us today & get in touch with one of our nationwide roadside assistance experts & if we can help, we'll take care of the rest.


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    Author: Mr. See Jast

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    Author information

    Name: Mr. See Jast

    Birthday: 1999-07-30

    Address: 8409 Megan Mountain, New Mathew, MT 44997-8193

    Phone: +5023589614038

    Job: Chief Executive

    Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

    Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.