Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 21, 2023 (2024)

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 21, 2023

JudyNote: Our World ischanging this week: ShockingIntel, SGAnon, Charlie Ward:

·BanksAcross the World Were Failing This Week

·TheUS Dollar Was Failing This Week.

·TheWorld Financial Markets Were Erupting This Week.

·MassArrests Were HappeningThis Week

·Gazaand Israel Underground Tunnels, that housed the largest Child Sex Traffickingin the World, were being taken down This Week.

·GlobalCurrency Reset This Week

·Activationof the EBS This Week

A.Possible Timeline of Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic:

·Fri.17 Nov. midnight Green Light turned on for Global CurrencyReset.

·Sun.19 Nov. The Global Currency Reset and Global Financial SystemISO20022 went live at 3pm EST.

·Asof Mon. 20 Nov. because of the Global Currency Reset, USGovernment Bonds were now worthless, the Federal Reserve literally had nomonies and any bank not ISO20022 compliant was out of business.

·Tues,Wed 21 Nov, Wed. 22 Nov. Begin Project Odin: Starlink EBS, X,New Financial System, 10 Day Movie.

·Wed.22 Nov. new Currency Rates effective. EBS Active: EBSNovember 22nd!

·Thurs.23 Nov. WW3 Start (Russia invades Germany?), Trump Return.

·Fri.1 Dec. End of Currency Exchanges, Zim Redemption atRedemption Centers.

·OnMon. 1 Jan. allgold/asset-backed currencies across the Globe would be on par 1:1 with eachother; in the US Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SSR&R payments would start on a monthly basis.

·Inthree to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer“universal basic income” for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. Theamount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employmentlevel and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work ifthey can.

B.Global Currency Reset:

·Mon.20 Nov. TNT: The Three Letter Agencies got the greenlight, but don’t know when the RV is going to go. The banks were told it willstill happen before the end of the month.

·Mon.20 Nov. MarkZ: “Citigroup begins layoffs as Wall Streetbraces for rough end of 2023. IMF releases digital currency handbook forworld’s Central Banks which was talking about Blockchain and asset backedcurrency – that move the world away from depending on the US dollar. They havea handbook for countries to create their own sovereign digital currency. Thisis the IMF throwing the US under the bus…showing the world how they cande-dollarize…..….this piece is huge. The financial markets around the worldshould be erupting. Right now. Forbes: “The US dollar collapse “acceleration “33.7.Trillion shock Fed inflation warning and makes the “bullish” case forBitcoin, Ethereum, XRP and Crypto price surge” These are alternatives tothe US dollar……..Right out loud they say the dollar is collapsing and itsaccelerating. Russia and China de-dollarization is almost complete. About 95%of trades is now settled in their national currencies. Egypt and Indiaabandon the dollar completely. Sri-Lanka central bank to move to a floatingrate and foreign reserve collection report. This means they are un-pegging…Theyare ready for the markets to decide their value. Member: Argentina justeliminated income tax.

·Sun.19 Nov. CaptainMarvelJunior on Telegram: Got intel today."Everything Everywhere all at Once" Although NO DATE was given, butit is believed to be within a window of 72hours to 96 hours.

·Sat.18 Nov. Texas Snake: I was included on an international callfrom several countries all over the world including US cities of NYC, Reno,Miami, plus Zurich, Hong Kong, and Iraq. All the money reorganization to beintroduced to the citizens this weekand the CBI wanted this nation to announce our new currency in conjunction withthem but if not then the CBI and Iraq would RV on their own. Announcement datesare Tuesday 21 Nov. with effective dateto be Wed. 22 Nov. of this coming week. Perseveral on the call all requirements such as FOREX have been satisfied.Remember I am just a messenger, but they sounded very confident of this info.

·Mon.20 Nov. Gold as the Ultimate Safe Haven: Dutch Central BankAdmits It Has Prepared for a New Gold Standard

·Mon.20 Nov. Mastering the Quantum Financial System: Your UltimateGuide to Transferring Funds and Opening a QFS Account

C.Global Financial Crisis:

·Mon.20 Nov. BOOM! The Financial Storm: US Government Bonds, Apple‘Hedge Fund,’ and the Fall of Walmart!

·Mon.20 Nov. Moody’s Downgrades JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, andBofA: US Banking Giants Face Bleak Outlook

·Whatif BRICS stops using US Dollar.

·USDOJ Freezes 225 million in stolen USD linked to international crime syndicate:

·ArchbishopVigano: The WEF is threatening the heads of government of the20 most industrialised nations in the world to carry out the Great Reset. It isa global coup d'etat, against which it is essential that people rise up. Thosewho govern nations have all become either enslaved or blackmailed by thisinternational mafia.

·BayerStocks Drop and won't survive:

·J.P. Morgan: The Man Who Owned America

D.Restored Republics:

·Sequel to The Fall of The Cabal - Part 27:“The World Economic Forum – The End of hom*o Sapiens”:

E.Breaking News: Mon. 20 Nov. 2023 Vancouver: 36 top officials convicted ofkilling indigenous activists and criminally assaulting Kevin Annett.The Court verdict empowers citizens to make arrests, seize assets of thirty-sixoffenders including Charles Windsor, Jorge Bergoglio, and Jean Chretien –International Warrants issued today Mon. 20 Nov.

·36top Canadian politicians, judges, and church officials havebeen found guilty today of perpetrating genocide in Canada, traffickingchildren, and murdering at least seven people.

·Aftera six-week trial inVancouver, the thirty-sixoffenders were convicted by the West Coast Common Law Court of Justice, andweresentenced to jail terms ranging from ten years to lifeimprisonment.

·Thesentenced offenders include Charles Windsor, (‘King ofEngland’) Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’), and former Canadian prime ministerJean Chretien.

·Theoffenders were also stripped of their offices and assets, andordered to pay reparations to their victims and their families totaling overforty million dollars.See theverdicts and sentences on the attached pdf and at:Summary Judgement of the West Coast Common Law Court of Justice, November20, 2023 – Murder by Decree

·InternationalArrest Warrants against those convicted were issued todayby the Court in conjunction with Interpol and international jurists.

·Thetrial of the defendants began in Vancouver on September 29after they were publicly indicted for complicity in murder, criminal conspiracyand assault, and the trafficking and killing of children.

·TheCourt prosecutor charged the accused with the murder ofVancouver indigenous activists Harriett Nahanee, William Combes, RickyLavallee, and Johnny Dawson, and of Port Alberni residents Mark Angus, KristaLynn, and John Sargent.

·Theprosecutor also charged the accused with participating in anongoing criminal conspiracy and assault against Kevin Annett to obstructjustice, enable and conceal genocide, and further their criminal deeds.

·Duringthe six-week trial, none of the defendants contested,challenged, or refuted the evidence brought against them. Three of the accusedpleaded not guilty to the Court but did not defend themselves.

·Asa Tribunal of Conscience with standing under InternationalLaw, the verdicts of the West Coast Common Law Court of Justice are universallyenforceable and can be acted on by other courts and nations. Its verdicts alsoempower citizens to arrest the convicted offenders and seize their assets.

·Acomplete list of the convicted offenders and theirsentences is contained in the attached Summary of Judgment. Summary Judgement of the West Coast Common Law Court of Justice, November20, 2023 – Murder by Decree

·Issuedby the Public Information Office of the West Coast CommonLaw Court of JusticeMonday, November 20, 2023 in the City of Vancouver

F.The Real News for Mon. 20 Nov. 2023:

·Mon.20 Nov. From Different Parts of the World, the Same INTEL isDROPping: The Khazarian Mafia’s Global Scheme, A Centuries-Old Plan Foiled

·Mon.20 Nov. Breaking News: Unveiling the Disturbing Events at theCapitol: False Flags and the Power of Deception – A Closer Look at November19th, 2023

·Mon.20 Nov. Jan. 6 A Lie, And They Knew It All Along:

·ASKYOURSELVES why hasn’t the American media not once reported on all the IndianTroops and Indian Special Forces being trained in Alaska?Over the past 4 years. All of a sudden Indian cities with Tartarian past arecovered in Decloaking Smog, as loud music and fireworks are covering upSubterranean Operations all over India just like we do in the United States,Canada, Europe, Ukraine and Israel.

·Mon.20 Nov. Large Military Exercises continued around the USCapitol in Washington DC. They began earlySun. morning 19 Nov.

·ClimateChange Hoax: c40 Lock Down Nightmare! If You Live InOne of The 100 Cities; Your World’s About To Change Forever! This Scary Map Shows How Climate ChangeWill Transform Your City | WIRED

·Mon.20 Nov. Breaking! It's Really Over⁉This Changes Everything!

·Mon.20 Nov. Italy:

·NOWTHERE IS PROOF: Video Series by InvestigateJ6 ShowsPolice and Govt. Agents Spray J6 Crowd with Rubber Bullets, ExplosiveMunitions, Sound Grenades WITHOUT WARNING!

·Neverbefore seen footage reveals doctors who tried to save President John F. Kennedyafter his assassination claim there was more than one shooter,they were then threatened to keep quiet following mysterious deaths ofwitnesses close to JFK's assassination

G. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ andAdrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China’s ThreeGorges Dam and in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican andJerusalem:

·Mon.20 Nov. Ex News Editor Involved in Child Sex Abuse:

·QueenslandPrimary School Teacher has allegedly used children to make exploitationmaterial.

·WhiteHats Expose Satanic Child Trafficking and Corruption:

·Zelensky Turns Young Boys into Suicide Bombers:

·H. Covid/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human ClonesHoaxes:

·Stevekirsch: “We can’t find an autistic child who wasunvaccinated.”

·Aletter is going out to soldiers which says, “former Soldierswho were involuntarily separated for refusal to receive the COVID-19vaccination may request a correction of their military records.” It also says“Individuals who desire to apply to return to service should contact theirlocal Army, US Army Reserve (USAR) or Army National Guard (ARNG) recruiter formore information.”

I.Mon. 20 Nov. Media Blackout: 10 News Stories About Covid That They Chose Not toTell You This Week

·#10- Pilot warns of airline industry disaster due to COVID-19 vaccines.

·#9- Senator Ron Johnson presents the most censored chart in congressional history.

·#8- Yale study reveals the most common chronic symptoms after COVID-19vaccination.

·#7- Bad news strikes the double-vaccinated with an alarming health riskrevelation.

·#6- Video footage shows alleged cash-for-votes scheme in broad daylight.

·#5- Toddler dies two days after receiving routine vaccinations.

·#4- Soccer players are still collapsing and dying threeyears after COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

·#3- Attorney accuses the CIA and DoD of being deeply involvedwith COVID-19.

·#2- Never-before-seen footage upends J6 Committee’s “insurrection”narrative.

·#1- OB-GYN drops alarming miscarriage data beforeCongress; she says, “I’ve never seen this before.”

·BONUS#1- Mega-corporations are coming for your healthcare supplements.

·BONUS#2- The ‘next pandemic’: what you need to do to be ready.

·BONUS#3- Popular natural health product becomes the latest victim of Trudeau’s Canada.

J.Mon. 20 Nov. David Wilco*ck Update:

·There is also financial warfare takingplace against the US Corporation. The Chinese have been dumping US Treasuriesin an attempt to collapse the FRB and their Washington DC subsidiary. Thisprompted the KM to retaliate by hacking Chinese bank computer systems. Reutersreported this attack.

·A ransomware attack on the industrial andCommercial Bank of China (ICBC) disrupted some trades in the U.S. Treasurymarket on Thursday, the Treasury Department said.

·Canadian intelligence agency says whatreally happened was:

·“The Fed put out a $24 TRILLION bond for countriesto buy to cover the debt- NO ONE BOUGHT EVEN A PENNY. China bought oil futuresfrom IRAN and paid 33 TRILLION BUT NOT IN US $ – what does that tell you aboutthe USA in world affairs; THEY ARE FINISHED”

·These battles are taking place in therun-up to the summit meeting between “President” Joe Biden and ChinesePresident Xi Jinping on November 15th. Our sources tell us “Biden” (theRockefellers) will try to appease Xi by offering the State of California toChina.

·However, the Chinese have made it clearthe US has to “let go of its arrogance and prejudice, and quit its hegemonic,domineering and bullying practices.”

·The Chinese foreign ministry notes “theUnited States has fought or been militarily involved with almost all the190-odd countries recognized by the United Nations .

·One of the worst war criminals in history.Organized child trafficking in Ukraine “spans the entire spectrum from gettinga new family somewhere in Western Europe, without the consent or even knowledgeof the biological parents, to sex-trafficking, prostitution, pedophilia and howthese children are murdered and, among other things, their hearts, kidneys andlivers, are sold on an international black market for organ trafficking,”Polish intelligence reports.

·Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman MariaZakharova confirms noting “representatives of a health ministry in a NATOcountry struck a deal with some ‘private businessmen’ who were assisted byUkraine’s Health Ministry and Presidential Office to deliver a refrigeratedtrain car full of human organs and body parts.”

·No wonder the so-called King Charles IIIof England has been deposed, according to MI6 ( white hats)after making aspeech claiming among other things:

·This will be shut down soon. GeneralValerii Zaluzhny, commander in chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, launched amilitary coup in Ukraine. “Understand,there were fifty million of us, now there are less than twenty of us left. Ifwe don’t stop Zelensky, then he will send all Ukrainians to slaughter…I orderall military personnel to immediately leave the combat zone and take power inthe cities under the control of the military.”

·No wonder the KM-controlled Biden show isdistancing itself from this. The Washington Post has published a reportaccusing Ukraine of blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline. “It looks likeZelensky and his officials are being tossed under the bus. Interesting thatthis comes out now,” a Mossad official comments.

·Germany, meanwhile, is making moves totake over not just Ukraine but Poland and Latvia as well. Germany’s formerambassador to Warsaw, Arndt Freytag von Loringhoven, suggested in a Germannewspaper that German troops should be stationed in Poland permanently.

·The European Union is seeking to introducea “German plan” that would result in “the annihilation of the Polish state”,Jarosław Kaczyński, the chairman of Poland’s ruling party, warns.

·“A ‘Defense Union’ is also to beestablished, which will be able to use Polish armed forces without the consentof the government in Warsaw,” warns Jerzy Kwaśniewski – President of the OrdoIuris Institute for Legal Culture. “The European treaties do not contain adefinition of the rule of law,” he adds.

K.Back to Natural Law. Bye Bye Maritime Law:

Let's start with the fact that this proves that youdon't own any stocks. You don't own any bonds. You don't own any cash in thesystem. They own it. They use the legalese against you, the strawman. You aretechnically speaking, the beneficial owner, subject to the entitlement, but notthe direct owner. This problem is very old, maybe even ancient. This is whatthe English Crown has been trying to do since the Bank of England was createdin 1694, to take back what they view as theirs, particularly what was lostduring the Revolutionary War. The King dispatches his agents into foreignlands, in an attempt to take whatever it can back, in any way shape or form(again, think of this going on for hundreds of years). And this invisible forcecan reprint it (called re-hypothecation), currently done through the NY Fed'sESF, over and over and over. So what happens is the banks and brokerage housesact as intermediaries for the DTCC, literally acting as a "Central AssetClearing Depository" where they hold all of the actual (real) shares,instead of the fake synthetic shares. "Fichelin's" (fake ChineseMichelin knockoff stocks and bonds), for example might be sitting in yourbrokerage or 401(k) at Fidelity, Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, etc. Soessentially, all variations of shares of stocks and bonds within all forms suchas mutual funds, ETFs, even directly holding stock and bonds within the systemare no different than crypto coins sitting at Coinbase; that in legalese, thebrokerage or banking deposit is actually a synthetic claim. All shares aresynthetic in the system 👀. AMC and GME Apes have found thislesson out the hard way. The scariest and craziest thing is that they canbasically push a button to say that the whole financial system is insolvent,and the existing Case Law on Bankruptcy backs the claim that a handful ofunknown people (secured senior creditors of the DTCC) could wind up owning allof the assets within the system. It sounds far-fetched, but we don't know whatthey will do. We just have to put the facts together to see what is possible,and then run probability estimates. These are the reasons the elites and mostpoliticians within the system hate Gold, Silver AND Bitcoin - because theycan't get away with their monetary crimes against humanity, because they haveno strawman! So get into hard assets and things that actually have value! Thepaper unwind is about to begin. Enjoy the show.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 21, 2023 (2024)


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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.