High Protein Paleo Porridge Recipe (2024)

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High Protein Paleo Porridge Recipe (1)

I could post a recipe for scrambled eggs and I would undoubtedly receive comments asking, “I can’t have eggs. Can you please tell me what egg substitute will work here?” Unfortunately, and as I now explain in my recipes, egg substitutes for grain-free recipes present a challenge. In the last few months, I’ve found more egg-free recipe requests than usual in blog comments and my email inbox.

Although I’ve been able to re-introduce eggs into my life (with much jubilation and relief), I know the challenge of juggling an egg-free and grain-free lifestyle. This paleo porridge offers a solution to the quandary of an egg-freebreakfast that offers a good source of protein… 18grams of protein per serving, to be exact!

High Protein Paleo Porridge Recipe (2)

Empower Your Breakfast Guidelines

This paleo porridge meets my “Empowered Breakfast Guidelines.” If you are overwhelmed with the transition to a grain free diet, start by renovating your breakfast according to these guidelines.

Your willpower is a freshly-charged battery in the morning, enabling you to make a healthy choice that reverberates through your day. With a satiatingbreakfast, you’ll be empowered to resist snacking because you’ve set your blood sugar rhythm on the right track.

TheEmpowered Breakfast Guidelines include:

  1. Takeapaleo approach torelieves the inflammatory burden of gluten, other grains, sugar, and processed dairy.
  2. Include colorful, low starchvegetablesto start your day with nutrients rather than empty calories.
  3. Take a low carb approach to your morning meal to encourage a healthy, fiery metabolism. Carb metabolism efficiency is lowest in the morning and improves later in the day.
  4. Emphasize protein paired with healthy fatsto keep you satiated until lunch, so mindless snacking loses appeal.
  5. Use outside-of-the-box breakfast ideas – who says veggie soup or a savory overnight crockpot mealbreakfast food?

Get more Empowered Breakfast recipes in my free download Reset Your Breakfast Guide. It’s available here.

High Protein Paleo Porridge Recipe (3)

About the ingredients in Paleo Porridge

  • Spaghetti squash is a low carb squash option that has a lovely mild, sweet flavor. When cooked and blended, it creates a texture reminiscent of oatmeal.
  • Coconut milk adds healthy fats for a creamy porridge, and ensures that this breakfast sticks to your ribs until lunch.
  • Shredded coconut increases the satiety factor with fiber and metabolism-boosting fats from coconut. It also lends a porridge-like texture.
  • Collagen peptides add nutrient-dense, easily-digested proteins. Icredit my regular intake ofgrassfed collagen for improving my skin, hair growth, and energy levels.Click here to get grassfed collagen with free shipping.


High Protein Paleo Porridge

Serves:Makes 2 servings

Thanks to the addition of collagen peptides, a flavorless source of nutrient-dense protein, this comforting breakfast will fuel your day.


  • 2 cups prepared spaghetti squash from 1 large squash (learn how to make the perfect spaghetti squash here)
  • 1 cup full-fat canned coconut milk
  • ¼ cup finely shredded coconut
  • Coconut flour, if necessary
  • 4 scoops (1/2 cup) collagen peptides, available here
  • ½ tsp. vanilla extract, optional
  • Coconut milk and cinnamon, if desired for serving


  1. Combine all ingredients except the coconut flour and collagen peptides in a saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer. Simmer for 8 minutes until slightly thickened.
  2. Add the collagen peptides. Use an immersion blender to process a couple of times to achieve an oatmeal-like texture. If the texture is not thick enough, add coconut flour, a tablespoon at a time, to thicken. If you would like a thinner texture, add more coconut milk.
  3. If desired, add the vanilla extract.
  4. Serve with additional coconut milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon, if desired.


The method with which you prepare the squash will affect the texture. I highly recommend this method, which creates non-mushy strands of spaghetti squash. Other methods trap more moisture in the squash. You can still make the recipe, but you may find the resulting porridge to be looser in texture. It will likely require the inclusion of some coconut flour to thicken it.

High Protein Paleo Porridge Recipe (4)


You may also enjoy

  • 100 Paleo Breakfast Ideas – Something for everyone!
  • Ultimate Coconut Flour Pancakes – Paleo
  • Paleo Batch Cooking: How I Make 12+ Meals in 2 Hours
  • *No Bread* Paleo French Toast Recipe

Reader Interactions


  1. High Protein Paleo Porridge Recipe (9)Cynthia

    Fantastic!! I made it, just finished eating it. Added a splash of pure maple syrup. Thank you for sharing this delicious recipe.

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  2. High Protein Paleo Porridge Recipe (10)E.Lois

    Is this breakfast good for diabetics?

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  3. High Protein Paleo Porridge Recipe (11)Alexa Woods

    I made this porridge and then blended in one banana and a teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa powder. My kids dislike the texture of spaghetti squash but they liked this porridge!

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    • High Protein Paleo Porridge Recipe (12)Lauren Geertsen

      I like the idea of adding cocoa powder, and I’m glad your kids enjoyed the recipe!

      reply to this comment

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High Protein Paleo Porridge Recipe (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.