Cristiano Ronaldo Turns 39: Staggering Records, Accomplishments Of Portuguese Legend | Football News (2024)


World Cup 2023 Points Table

IND 9 9 0 0 0 18 +2.570
SA 9 7 2 0 0 14 +1.261
AUS 9 7 2 0 0 14 +0.841
NZ 9 5 4 0 0 10 +0.743
PAK 9 4 5 0 0 8 -0.199

Full Points Table

Live Scores & Results

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  • Upcoming
  • Recent

    '; var noMatchHtmlUpcoming = '

  • No Upcoming Matches
  • '; var noMatchHtmlRecent = '

  • No Recent Matches
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    % chance to win

    '; html += '

    ' + item.teama_short + ' ' + item.teamaWinPer + '%

    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    Draw ' + item.drawWinPer + '%

    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

    '; } else { if (parseInt(item.teamaWinPer) > parseInt(item.teambWinPer)) { html = '

    ' + item.teama_short + ' ' + item.teamaWinPer + '%

    % chance to win

    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

    '; } else { html = '

    ' + item.teamb_short + ' ' + item.teambWinPer + '%

    % chance to win

    ' + item.teama_short + ' ' + item.teamaWinPer + '%

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'0' + minutes : minutes; var strTime = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm; return strTime; } function loadwidget(url) { var isChrome = !! && (!! || !!; const monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ]; const dayNames = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri","Sat"]; var noLive = false; var noUpcoming = false; var dataurlenglish = ''; if (url == undefined || url=='' || url=="") { if (tourid == 0) { dataurlenglish = '' + sport + '&league=0&timezone=0530&language=' + lang + '&gamestate=4&widget=Rhslivescorewidget'; } else { dataurlenglish = '' + sport + '&league=0&timezone=0530&language=' + lang + '&tournament=' + tourid +'&widget=Rhslivescorewidget'; } } else { dataurlenglish = url; } Sports_Jsonp.loadJSON({ url: dataurlenglish, cache: true, type: 'jsonp' }, function (dataenglish) { var active = false; if (dataenglish != undefined) { if (!dataenglish.matches) { if (!dataenglish.error) { cb(); return false; } } matchscores = dataenglish.matches; var inprogress = sortMatches(matchscores, 'inprogress',false) var upcoming = sortMatches(matchscores, 'upcoming',false) var recent = sortMatches(matchscores, 'recent', false) if (inprogress.length > 0) { var html = ""; $.each(inprogress, function (i, item) { if (i < 3) { var dt = new Date(item.start_date); var link = ''; try { link = generateUrl(, item, lang,'inprogress'); } catch (e) { } if ( == "cricket") { var team1score = item.participants[0].value.split('&'); var team2score = item.participants[1].value.split('&'); var scorehtml1 = ''; var scorehtml2 = ''; var activeclstm1 = ''; var activeclstm2 = ''; var playstatus = ''; var crr = ""; var scroedata; var crr_score = ""; var crr_overs = ""; try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { activeclstm1 = 'scr_tm-scr-act'; scroedata = item.participants[0].value.split(' '); crr_score = scroedata[0].split('/')[0]; crr_overs = scroedata[1].replace("(", "").replace(")", ""); } } catch (e) { } try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { activeclstm2 = 'scr_tm-scr-act'; scroedata = item.participants[1].value.split(' '); crr_score = scroedata[0].split('/')[0]; crr_overs = scroedata[1].replace("(", "").replace(")", ""); } } catch (e) { } if (item.result_code != "A") { if (item.event_format.toLowerCase().trim() == "test") { if (team1score.length > 1) { try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1] + ''; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team1score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } else { if (team1score[0] == "") { scorehtml1 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { try { if (item.participants[0].now == 'true') { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } } } if (team2score.length > 1) { try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1] + ''; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + '& ' + team2score[1].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } else { if (team2score[0] == "") { scorehtml2 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { try { if (item.participants[1].now == 'true') { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0].replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, "") + ''; } } catch (e) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } } } } else { if (team1score.length > 1) { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ' ' + team1score[1] + ''; } else { if (team1score[0] == "") { scorehtml1 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { scorehtml1 = '' + team1score[0] + ''; } } if (team2score.length > 1) { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ' ' + team2score[1] + ''; } else { if (team2score[0] == "") { scorehtml2 = 'Yet To Bat'; } else { scorehtml2 = '' + team2score[0] + ''; } } } } try { if (item.event_format.toLowerCase().trim() == 'test') { if (item.event_is_daynight == "false") { if (item.event_session == 1 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Morning Session"; } else if (item.event_session == 2 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Lunch Session" } else if (item.event_session == 3 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Tea Session" } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } else { if (item.event_session == 1 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Opening Session"; } else if (item.event_session == 2 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Tea Session" } else if (item.event_session == 3 && item.event_state == 'L' && item.event_status_id.toLowerCase() == '117') { playstatus = "Post Dinner Session" } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } playstatus = "Day " + item.event_day + " " + playstatus; } else { playstatus = item.event_status; } } catch (e) { playstatus = '' } var venue = item.venue_name.split(','); var team1n = item.participants[0].short_name; var team2n = item.participants[1].short_name; if (isDesktop.toLowerCase().trim() == 'true') { team1n = item.participants[0].name; team2n = item.participants[1].name; } crr = parseFloat(crr_score) / parseFloat(crr_overs); crr = crr.toFixed(2); html += '

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  • ' + item.series_name + '' + item.event_name + ', at' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ''+ team1n + '' + item.participants[0].value + '' + team2n + '' + item.participants[1].value + ''+ item.event_sub_status + '
  • '; } } }) $("#scr_live").html(html); } else { noLive = true; $("#scr_live").html(noMatchHtmlProgress); } if (upcoming.length > 0) { var html = ""; $.each(upcoming, function (i, item) { if (i < 3) { var link = ''; try { link = generateUrl(, item, lang,'upcoming'); } catch (e) { } var dt = new Date(item.start_date); var finaldate = dayNames[dt.getDay()] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + ' - ' + formatAMPM(dt) + ' IST'; var venue = item.venue_name.split(','); var team1n = item.participants[0].short_name; var team2n = item.participants[1].short_name; if (isDesktop.toLowerCase().trim() == 'true') { team1n = item.participants[0].name; team2n = item.participants[1].name; } if ( == "cricket") { html += '

  • '; //html += '' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + ''; //var isFGAvail = $.grep(fg_matches, function (a) { // if (item.game_id == a) { return a; } //}); //if (isFGAvail.length > 0) { // html += '' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + 'Fantasy TipsGet Team'; //} else { html += '' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + ''; //} html += ''; var isIOS = !window.MSStream & /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent) /*(/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform) || (navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1)) && !window.MSStream*/; if (1) { if (navigator.appVersion.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") != -1 & !isChrome) { var sportsLInk = '' + link + '?pfrom=sports-calendar'; html += ''; } else { html += ''; } } html += ' ' + team1n + ' ' + team2n + ''+ finaldate + '' + fantasyhtml + '
  • '; try { var win = getWinPercentagetop(item.game_id); } catch (e) { } } else if ( == "football") { html += '

  • ' + item.series_name + '' + item.event_name + ', at' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ''+ team1n + ''+ team2n + '' + finaldate + '
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  • ' + item.event_name + ', ' + item.series_name + ' at ' + venue[venue.length - 1] + ', ' + monthNames[dt.getMonth()] + ' ' + dt.getDate() + ', ' + dt.getFullYear() + '' + team1n + ''+ scorehtml1 + ''+ team2n + '' + scorehtml2 + ''+ item.event_sub_status + '
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    Players - Top Goals

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    • Teams - Top Assists
    Player Matches Goals
    Harry Kane England 6 6
    Romelu Lukaku Belgium 6 4
    Antoine Griezmann France 7 4
    Cristiano Ronaldo Portugal 4 4
    Denis Cheryshev Russia 5 4

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    Cristiano Ronaldo Turns 39: Staggering Records, Accomplishments Of Portuguese Legend | Football News (2024)


    Cristiano Ronaldo Turns 39: Staggering Records, Accomplishments Of Portuguese Legend | Football News? ›

    Ronaldo scored 450 goals after playing 438 matches for the Los Blancos and is the highest goalscorer in the history of Real Madrid. CR7 also holds the record for the most UCL goals, which he achieved during his time with Real Madrid. He scored 105 UCL goals for the Spanish club.

    What records did Ronaldo set? ›

    Here's a look at 4 such records that are currently held by Ronaldo:
    • Winning every individual and team honor with two clubs. ...
    • Scoring 300 La Liga goals in just 286 games. ...
    • Scoring 50 goals for 6 consecutive seasons in a Top-5 league. ...
    • Scoring more than 10 Champions League goals in 7 consecutive seasons.
    Mar 20, 2024

    How many accomplishments does Cristiano Ronaldo have? ›

    Collectively, Ronaldo has won 33 senior trophies in his career. He has also attained one title from youth and at least five titles from friendly competitions. All in all he had won over 300 trophies and medals by January 2021, with some of them dating back to his childhood.

    Is Ronaldo a legend in Portugal? ›

    Cristiano Ronaldo, the Portuguese football legend, has secured the coveted title of Forbes' highest-paid athlete for a remarkable fourth time in his career. This achievement comes after his high-profile transfer to Saudi Arabian club Al-Nassr in early 2023.

    How many records did Cristiano break? ›

    Ronaldo holds the records for most appearances (183), goals (140) and assists (42) in the Champions League, goals in the European Championship (14), international goals (128) and international appearances (206).

    What is Ronaldo's unique record? ›

    • Most-capped men's footballer | Cristiano Ronaldo holds the record of most international caps in the men's football. ...
    • First player to 800 career goals | Cristiano Ronaldo is the first footballer to record 800 senior level goals (for club and country combined).
    Feb 5, 2024

    Who is better, Messi or Ronaldo all time? ›

    Argentina star Messi has scored 106 goals in 178 international appearances – both all-time records for his nation. With 127 goals in 203 games for Portugal, Ronaldo holds both the all-time men's records for international appearances and goals.

    Who has more accomplishments Messi or Ronaldo? ›

    In total, Messi and Ronaldo reached the podium a record fourteen and twelve times, respectively. Combining Ballon d'Or, FIFA World Player of the Year and The Best FIFA Men's Player, Messi outperformed Ronaldo 11 to 8 in wins and 23 to 20 in podium finishes.

    How much is Ronaldo worth? ›

    Ronaldo's contract has been estimated by media to be worth more than €200m ($219.98m). PSG forward Messi, 35, was next on the list after bringing home a combined $130m while club teammate and France captain Mbappe -- the youngest on the list at 24 -- earned $120m to sit third.

    What are 5 facts about Ronaldo? ›

    Other Facts

    First male player in history to score a goal in five different World Cups. Portugal's all-time top international goalscorer. Winner of the Ballon d'Or footballer of the year award five times (2008, 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2017), and the European Golden Shoe four times (2007-08, 2010-11, 2013-14 and 2014-15).

    Is Ronaldo more famous than Portugal? ›

    Cristiano Ronaldo is more famous than his country but Portugal 'is not blind' to his struggles - The Athletic.

    When did R9 retire? ›

    14 Feb / Stamfordblue. Brazil's football icon, Ronaldo Nazario, announced his retirement on this day in 2011 due to a series of injuries, which has not been easy to cope with. At 34 years old, arguably the greatest striker who ever played the game has finally hung up his boots.

    How many goals does Ronaldo have? ›

    Cristiano Ronaldo's total career goals for club and country
    Real Madrid438450
    Sporting CP315
    3 more rows
    May 5, 2024

    How much older is Ronaldo than Messi? ›

    Cristiano Ronaldo was born on February 5th 1985 whilst Messi was born on 24th June 1987, meaning there is a 869 days between when they were born.

    Who break the Ronaldo record? ›

    Jude Bellingham breaks Cristiano Ronaldo and Di Stefano's Real Madrid goalscoring record.

    Has Ronaldo broken more records than Messi? ›

    Lionel Messi has 41 Guinness world records and Cristiano Ronaldo has 40. Possibly the best footballer of all time is Lionel Messi. His career has been extraordinarily successful, and during that time, he has smashed numerous records.

    Who has the most records in football history? ›

    Goals and goalscoring records
    Most international goalsCristiano RonaldoPortugal
    Most goals scored in a calendar yearLionel MessiArgentina
    Most club goals scored in a football seasonLionel MessiArgentina
    Most international goals in a calendar yearSándor KocsisHungary
    19 more rows

    Does Ronaldo hold the record for most goals? ›

    Since October 2021, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has also been publishing an according list, but only of the top 10. Cristiano Ronaldo of Portugal holds the all-time record with 128 international goals.

    What Instagram record does Ronaldo have? ›

    Cristiano Ronaldo is the most-followed individual, sportsperson, footballer, Portuguese and European on Instagram, with over 629 million followers. Lionel Messi is the most-followed Argentinian and South American on Instagram, with over 502 million followers.

    What records does Ronaldo hold in Premier League? ›

    – Ronaldo holds the Manchester United record for most goals in a Premier League season with 31. – He is the only United player to ever win a Puskas award, for his goal against Porto in 2009. – Ronaldo is the only United player to win the European Golden Shoe, in 2008.


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    Name: Reed Wilderman

    Birthday: 1992-06-14

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    Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.