Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (2024)

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Home » Recipe Index » Best Apple Crisp Recipe (with double crumbs!)

by Kara Cook 61 Comments

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Perfect Apple Crisp Recipe – with a double layer of cinnamon oat topping, this is the best apple crisp ever! It is unbeatable with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

As soon as autumn starts, my family loves desserts like this. Cranberry apple crisp, Dutch apple pie, and pumpkin cobbler are also at the top of our list. Yum!

Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (1)

We have had an abundance of apples from our apple tree this year. I am not a fan of bottled apple pie filling, so we eat a lot of fresh apples. With the rest of them I like to make pie and other baked goods.

There is something so comforting about homemade apple desserts when the weather is turning cooler, don’t you think?

This is my very favorite recipe for apple crisp. It has crumbs on the bottom and the top, so it is extra yummy. Everybody knows the best part about apple crisp is the cinnamon oat topping, so you know this is gonna be good!

I made this back before I was hit with the swine flu. Now I’m hungry just thinking about it. Oh my. Check out all that yummy topping!

Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (3)

How to Make the Best Apple Crisp

Ingredients needed:

  • oats – I recommend old fashioned, but quick oats will also work.
  • brown sugar
  • flour
  • cinnamon
  • salt (balances out the sweetness, trust me, it makes a difference)
  • butter – You can use margarine in a pinch, but butter is best.
  • chopped nuts – We prefer pecans, but you can use walnuts, or even almonds.
  • apples – Tart apples like Granny Smiths work best. We also like Jonathan and Braeburn apples.

First you want to mix up all the topping ingredients till they are crumbly. You want the butter to be soft, but not melted. Set the crumb mixture aside while you prep the apples.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees, and spray a 9×13″ baking dish with nonstick spray. Press about a third of the crumbs into the bottom of the pan.

Peel the apples and slice them about 1/4″ thick. Spread apples over the crust and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar mixture. Sprinkle the topping evenly over the apples. Bake for about 45 minutes or till apples are tender and top is golden brown.

How long is apple crisp good for?

It will last for a day or two at room temperature if covered with aluminum foil or plastic wrap. If you need to store it longer, you can cover it and store it in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Before serving, I recommend heating it in the microwave for a few seconds.

What type of apples should I use for Apple Crisp?

-I usually use Granny Smith apples because I like the balance of tart and sweet. Jonathan, Braeburn, and Honeycrisp apples also work really well and hold their shape while baking. I sometimes use half Granny Smith and half golden delicious apples.

What is the difference between apple crisp and apple crumble?

While both are made with fruit on the bottom, a crisp usually has oats and nuts in the topping. A crumble typically has a buttery sugar/flour crumb topping. Both are delicious!

Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (4)

With a scoop of vanilla ice cream, this easy apple crisp is the perfect fall treat!


  • Apple Pie Pizza
  • Sour Cream Apple Bars
  • Butterscotch Apple Cookies


  • Caramel Apple Crisp
  • Cranberry Apple Crisp
  • Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp
  • Zucchini Cobbler
  • Blueberry Dump Cake


Yield: 12 servings

Double Crumb Apple Crisp

Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (5)

Double the buttery oat topping makes this apple crisp the best ever!

Prep Time25 minutes

Cook Time50 minutes

Total Time1 hour 15 minutes


  • 2 cups oats (I like old fashioned, but quick will work as well)
  • 2 cups brown sugar
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 Tbsp cinnamon
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 cup soft butter
  • 1/2 cup chopped nuts
  • 14 apples, peeled and sliced (11 cups)
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon


  1. Preheat oven to 350°. Spray a 9x13" pan with nonstick cooking spray; set aside.
  2. Combine oats, sugar, flour, cinnamon, salt, and butter in a mixing bowl. Mix with a pastry blender or fork till crumbly. Add chopped nuts if desired.
  3. Press about a third of the mixture in the bottom of the prepared pan. Spread apples over crust and sprinkle with the 1/4 cup cinnamon sugar mixture.
  4. Sprinkle remaining crumb mixture evenly over the top of the apples. Bake at 350° for 40-50 minutes or till apples are tender.
  5. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream.


-Tart apples like Granny Smiths work best for this recipe. Johnathon and Braeburn apples also work well.

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Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 469Total Fat: 17gSaturated Fat: 10gTrans Fat: 1gUnsaturated Fat: 5gCholesterol: 41mgSodium: 327mgCarbohydrates: 81gFiber: 7gSugar: 56gProtein: 4g

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Reader Interactions


  1. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (9)Terri L Bertelsen

    I am making this right now, I have a convection bake setting and the apple’s are not getting cooked. I put foil over the top and extended the time an extra ten minutes. Crossing my fingers.


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (10)Kara Cook

      Convection ovens can be tricky, that’s for sure. Using foil on the top and cooking it longer sounds like the perfect solution. Hopefully it worked.


  2. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (11)Barbara

    Hello, I just made your recipe. I tried to use 14 apples but there were a lot of apples . So I had to leave some out .
    Also can you make it the night before and bake it in the morning ?
    Thank you. So yummy.


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (12)Kara Cook

      It does depend on the size of apples, so it’s good to use your own judgement. I’ve never cut the apples the night before, but I have prepared the crumb topping ahead of time. Since the cinnamon turns the apples brown anyway, it’s worth a shot prepping it the night before and baking in the morning. Let me know how it turns out!


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (14)Kara Cook

      You are so welcome, happy to hear it was such a hit! That always makes me happy. 🙂


  3. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (15)Ronda

    I made this apple crisp tonight and it was very good! Easy and simple to put together. The entire family loved it!! The only thing I did differently, was squeeze a lemon over the bowl of apples after cutting them up. Thank you for a great reccipe!


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (16)Kara Cook

      Love the idea of using some fresh lemon. I bet it added a bit of tartness and a nice fresh flavor!


  4. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (17)Michelle

    I didnt see the cinnamon and sugar on the apples until after i put the crumbs on top. Will it still taste okay without it?


  5. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (18)Liz

    I have an old-time apple crisps recipe which is much quicker and shorter and always turns out great but it’s just in the square pan. I want to try this one very much and I’m going to it looks delicious mine never use flour but I only have a 9 x 12 pan and I’m making two of them will that be okay? The pn’s are little bit deeper deeper than a 9 x 13 and I could always push the crumbs down. In 1/3 of the mixture is about how much for just one recipe of the topping.. I also add a little bit of lemon juice to my apples a lot of recipes call for vanilla or almond extract I’ve never tried that I’m a little worried so I’m not going to but I’m a put a tad of lemon juice in the apple sugar cinnamon mixture apples for the apples I caught them and toss them in the sugar and cinnamon before putting them in the pan instead of sprinkling. Any suggestions that will make this easier thank you I will let you know how well it turns out. The third of the mixture is my biggest concern on the bottom should I basically just fill the bottom with the thin layer of the mixture?


  6. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (19)Victoria E

    I made this last night and even my picky dad loved it. Great recipe!

    The only thing I changed was that I diced my granny Smith’s the night before and sprinkled them with about a tablespoon of brown sugar, a few dashes of cinnamon, and a cap full of vanilla extract. I covered the bowl and refrigerated them overnight so they made a bit of juice on their own.

    Thank you for this great recipe!


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (20)Kara Cook

      Thanks for sharing your twist on the recipe. So glad that you (and your dad) loved it! 🙂


  7. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (21)Pam

    I made this to take to a lunch with my adaptive sports group ladies. It was a bit with the ladies and the patients and staff! I have written it out 3 times to give to my non-internet user friends and went the link to the rest. Thank you so much for having this out here for all of us!


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (22)Kara Cook

      I am so glad to hear that my recipe has been such a hit with you and your friends. That just makes my day! 🙂


  8. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (23)Scott Francis

    Way too sweet.


  9. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (24)Brenda Lewis

    Can you make the apple mixture for this or apple pie the day before, keep in fridge then the next day make crust and put it in?


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (25)Kara Cook

      The apples get brown if you prepare them that far ahead; some varieties brown faster than others. I’d actually recommend making the crumb topping or pie crust a day ahead, and doing the apples when you’re ready to bake it.


  10. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (26)Holly Petersen

    Help!! I guess I’m the only dumb one here as everyone else seems to understand this recipe just fine. I am very confused. I understand making the bottom layer or crust. But then you say: “Spread apples over crust and sprinkle with the 1/4 cup cinnamon sugar mixture. Sprinkle remaining crumb mixture evenly over the top.”
    “…the 1/4 cup cinnamon sugar mixture”, is not specified in the recipe unless you are referring to the crumb mixture. If that is what you are referring to…”Sprinkle remaining crumb mixture evenly over the top,” is redundant. I don’t know if you are saying to sprinkle a mixture of sugar and cinnamon over the apples and then sprinkle the remaining crumb mixture over all, or are you saying to sprinkle all of the remaining crumb mixture over the apples? Sorry to be so dense but this recipe looks to be exactly what I’ve been looking for and I want to get it right. Thanks!!


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (27)Kara Cook

      The 1/4 cup sugar + 1/2 tsp cinnamon is the last ingredient on the list. You do sprinkle it over the apples, then sprinkle the remaining crumb mixture over the top. Hope that helps, and good luck!


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (28)Holly Petersen

      Ah…!!! Thank you for helping this blind old woman see!! hahaha!! Can’t wait to make this. Bless your heart!


  11. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (29)Bonnie

    Is it funny I really want to try this and it’s june!


  12. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (30)Stephanie

    Can I use gala apples?


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (31)Kara Cook

      Gala apples aren’t the best for baking because they tend to loose their shape and get a little grainy, but they will work OK if that’s all you have.


  13. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (32)Celena

    I made this as a treat for my husband, again for Thanksgiving, and now for Christmas! Mouth watering! Everyone loves it!


  14. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (33)Dana Mitchell

    This recipe looks amazing with the dbl crumbly mixture which is the best part of a crisp! Trying to accommodate a Gluten Free family member for Thanksgiving and wondering has anyone used Almond Flour instead of regular flour in the crumb mixture?

    So looking fwd to trying this recipe out!


  15. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (34)Nancy Lombardo

    I just made it with G.F flour & oats for my own dessert (I’m alone in the G.F. thing @ home). It is SO yummy! I’ll be making it to bring a dish parties.


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (35)Kara Cook

      So glad to hear it turned out just as great with gluten free flour!


  16. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (36)Paul

    I’m diabetic so I used all sugar free ingredients and it was amazing! I’ve made apple crisps for 35 year’s and this recipe is my favorite! Thanks so much for sharing! 🙂


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (37)Kara Cook

      I’m so glad to hear that it turned out with sugar free ingredients. I’m sure many of my readers will be happy to hear that!


  17. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (38)Denise B.

    Just made this. It is awesome. Family loves it


  18. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (39)T

    If i only use 6 apples half of what the recipe asks ,do i cut each of every other ingredient in half as well?


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (40)Kara Cook

      Yes, if you cut the apples in half, I would just make half a recipe. I’d bake it in a 9″ square pan or casserole dish.


  19. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (41)Anna

    This recipe provides what all apple crisp lovers want – more crisp and crumb! Recipe is perfect. When I made it, I used a smaller and deeper pan, which caused a problem – the top crust was too thick, so the syrup did not reach it, so the top was too dry. But I saved it by pushing the top down with a spoon into the syrup below, then baked a little longer. This proves that when you don’t follow a recipe exactly, unforeseen problems can occur. But it turned out great! Thanks for this recipe!


  20. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (42)Barb

    I made this for the first time for company saturday night and everyone loved it! I served it warm with praline ice cream, and drizzled caramel sauce over top of both. It was delicious!


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (43)Kara

      That does sound delicious!!


  21. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (44)Kim

    This is by far the best apple crisp I ever made. So simple and so decadent. Thanks for posting the recipe.????


  22. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (45)Lisa

    Just wondering if you can cut recipe in half? Thanks


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (46)Kara

      Yes, you can absolutely cut it in half! If I do, I just bake it in a square pan. Check it at 40 minutes to make sure it doesn’t over-cook.


      • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (47)Samantha

        I want to make this in a half sheet size pan. Should I double the recipe? What would be a good cooking time? Thanks!!!


  23. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (48)Megan

    Just made this tonight for the first time. My guests said it was the best apple crumble they have ever had! The apples were soft in a sweet syrup and the crumble was so nice with a good crunch on top. Thanks!


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (49)Kara

      So glad it was a hit Megan!


  24. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (50)Em

    This truly is the best apple crisp recipe I’ve ever tried. I made it last night and my husband and I have already polished off half of the pan. So, so yummy and such a good apple/crumble ratio.


  25. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (51)talia

    This is the best recipe and I highly recommend it….


  26. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (52)Molly

    how many servings does this recipe make?


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (53)Kara

      Usually 8-10, depending on how hungry your guests are. 🙂


  27. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (55)Carissa

    I just made this last night and for sure it IS the best apple crisp ever! Thank you!


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (56)Kara

      So glad to hear you loved it as much as I do Carissa!


  28. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (57)Matilda

    Unfortunately, I wasn’t a huge fan. I thought the crunchy topping was too buttery… I prefer more crumbly oats, I think. I even cut the amount of butter by 1/4. Also, my apples were dry and el dente… I prefer well done apples in a sweet, tart, cinnamon syrup. I think it’s really just personal preference; But, I wanted to share my experience.


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (58)Kara

      Sorry you didn’t love it Matilda. Not sure why your apples were dry. Mine always do turn out well done with a sweet, tart cinnamon syrup like you described. What kind of apples did you use?


  29. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (59)Jessica

    Should you use old fashioned or quick oats?


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (60)Jill Mahoney

      I was wondering the same thing….Old Fashion or quick….


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (61)Kara

      You can use either old fashioned or quick, but I prefer old fashioned.


  30. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (62)Chris

    It’s is in the oven now. Seems like a lot of crumbly topping, but it will probably be really good.


  31. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (63)Stacy @Stacy Makes Cents

    I am not lying when I say this is the BEST Apple Crisp I have ever had in my LIFE. Posted to Instagram. YUMMY. It makes an excellent breakfast. 🙂


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (64)Anonymous

      You are correct, best Apple Crisp ever!


  32. Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (65)HaleyLeann

    I know this is an older post…but I want to try it anyway! You’ve been featured!!!


    • Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (66)Kara

      Thanks Haley. You rock!


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Amazing Apple Crisp Recipe (double crumbs!) - Creations by Kara (2024)


Why do you put lemon juice over the apples when making an apple crisp? ›

The lemon juice will keep the apples from turning brown. Set your prepared apple crisp aside on the counter until ready to bake. Put the apple crisp in the oven to bake just as you are serving dinner. And by the time dinner is over, this warm syrupy dessert will be ready.

What are the best apples for making apple crisp? ›

What Makes A Good Apple For Apple Crisp? The best apples for baking keep their structure under heat, which prevents the chunks of fruit from turning into mush after baking. The firm and crisp Granny Smith and Honeycrisp varieties are popular apples to use in apple pies and apple crisps.

What's the difference between apple crumble and apple crisp? ›

Apple Crumble is synonymous with Apple Crisp in the U.K. and Australia, but in Canada and the U.S., it is a slightly different dish. Like an apple crisp, an apple crumble is a baked fruit dessert with a layer of topping. But unlike the crisp, the crumble topping rarely includes oats or nuts.

Why is my apple crisp not crunchy? ›

Just make sure you add enough melted butter to coat everything: it brings it all together. Your day-old mush will turn back into the warm and crunchy crisp once more if you reheat in the oven at 350°. And for the love of autumn, please do not forget the ice cream.

Can I substitute vinegar for lemon juice in apple crisp? ›

Due to its tartness and acidity, vinegar is an excellent substitute. However, only substitute vinegar for lemon juice in cooking or baking when the amount called for is relatively small so it won't impact the flavor of your finished dish.

How do you make apple crisp not watery? ›

Lemon juice and vanilla extract – both of these are for complexity of flavor in your apple filling. You could leave them out if you don't have them, but they make a noticeable difference in the final product. Cornstarch or arrowroot starch – this is how we get a thick and not watery apple crisp!

Which apples stay crisp the longest? ›

Storage quality also varies by cultivar. The best apples to store long-term have thick skin and tend to be crisp and tart. Apple varieties such as Gala, Granny Smith, Fuji, McIntosh, Winesap, Honeycrisp, Northern Spy, and Rome are known to store very well given the proper conditions.

Which apples are not crispy? ›

As mellow as sweet apples come, Gala apples are known for their sweet, vanilla aroma and soft bite. Bittersweet and soft fleshed, the Red Delicious is a classic apple with mild crispiness. The Golden Delicious sits at the bottom of the crunch list with soft skin and mellow, yellow apple flavors.

Why is my apple crisp topping dry? ›

Not enough butter, and your topping will be a dry, floury mess. Too much butter and your topping will become a greasy blob or disappointingly soggy. Some recipes will ask you to cut in cold butter along with your dry ingredients, resulting in pea-size pieces that are sprinkled across the hot fruit filling.

Why is it called Brown Betty? ›

This has led some historians to believe that Betty was the name of the cook and creator of the recipe and that brown was in reference to her skin color.

How do you know when an apple crisp is done? ›

Bake the apple crisp until the fruit is bubbling and the topping is golden brown and crisp, about 45 minutes. Serve the crisps warm with vanilla bean ice cream or fresh whipped cream, if desired.

How do you keep apple crisp from getting soggy? ›

How do you keep Apple crisp from getting soggy? You need enough butter in your topping, try both melted or cold cut into the dry ingredients. Also, there needs to be enough texture to keep it from just flattening into the fruit below.

What is the secret to good crumble? ›

Tips for making the perfect crumble

Mark Bowerman says: "Rub the butter in fairly quickly, and not too perfectly – a fine, dusty texture at this stage spoils the fun. Use a shallowish dish if you've got a wet fruit mixture, otherwise the crumble will start to dissolve before it's baked. Custard. Yum."

Why are my apples mushy in my apple crisp? ›

Picking the wrong apples

Softer apples like Red Delicious, Golden Delicious, or Macintosh break down too much in the heat of the oven, basically turning into applesauce. So avoid those, and opt for a variety that's firm and crisp like Granny Smith, Fuji, Gala, or Honeycrisp.

What are the best apples for apple crisp? ›

When it comes to finding the best apple for your crisp, go with a crisp, tart variety that stands up well to baking, like Granny Smith or Honeycrisp. Or, go for it – try mixing the two together if you've got both on hand. Golden Delicious is another great choice for crisp hausarbeit schreiben lassen kosten.

What does lemon juice do to apples? ›

Therefore, when you apply lemon juice to apple slices, it helps to prevent the oxidation process. To use this method to prevent apples from turning brown, create a water bath for your apple slices with a ratio of 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to 1 cup of water.

Why does lemon juice stop apples from browning enzymes? ›

The browning can be slowed down by preventing the enzyme from working properly. Lemon juice contains an acid which can stop enzymes working properly as enzymes often work best at a certain pH. Water and sugar, in jam for example, stops oxygen in the air getting to the enzymes and prevents the browning.

Why do you add lemon juice to apple pie? ›

Many recipes for apple pie and apple cobbler will call for tossing your sliced apples in a little bit of lemon juice before putting them into your dish. Lemon juice prevents oxidation of the apples, which means that it stops the slices from turning brown by providing a barrier between the ...


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Author: Lidia Grady

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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.